Shoppingberoende 2.0
Detta är inte på något vis en uppmaning att det ska handlas mer... inte alls... eller?
Det var så enkelt!
Jag är jävligt snygg nu.
Att notera: Engelsk strl 10 är lite mindre än annan (amerikansk?) strl 10 jag tidigare stött på.
This week on YouTube
Nästa gång vi har en gettogether bör minst två av oss ha lärt sig denna dans.
(Pax inte!)
Vattensta Venatical Veek
Do not be too excited. I have it all planned, German-style. It's called discipline, and it's an illusion. Anyway. We commence with a classic bear-hunt. I know you all expect a hunt, and we’ve already done a wild boar one. This year, we go for bear. For success, bring your own raisins OR ginger-bread house. As to clothing, I strongly suggest dark, water-resistant coats and rubber boots. Wearing yellow southwester or leather cowboy hat is optional but recommended. These clothes will not only provide comfort during hunting hours, but will also prove useful during our other outdoor activities. Yes, there will be plenty of those. Not even WATER, falling from the SKY, can stop us.
Over to la nourriture. If we for some reason should fail to bring down a bear, you shall not lack fodder. I hereby guarantee that you will be fed during your stay at VVV. However, I heard someone whisper something about wine. You are very welcome to bring wine. Or any mind-numbing brews or stews. I am quite liberal. Also, quite naïve.
Anyway, now you know about the clothes and the food and my general unwariness. It’s all it takes really. Bring a smile, and bathing equipment, in case of sunshine. Bring your laptops, if you want to stay updated. Or become it, whatever.
This is the Mousse, reporting from VVV, awaiting company, considering leprosy. And a dog.
Här händer det ju verkligen inte mycket. Jag tänkte bara berätta att jag köpt en jättebra bilderbok: "1000 Nudes - A History of Erotic Photography from 1839 - 1939". Ni kan få läsa den sen. Och fröjdas.