
Bara bröst och bak.

My head is filled with Christianity and Saints in particular. So obviously my mind strayed from the pack of simple revision and I had to put things into an Oddball perspective. I started thinking about our shrines, relics and patron saints. We have quite a few don't we?

Taking up where Mousse left off a few weeks ago, on ODB. I'm actually proposing we make her another new patron saint. She's got lesbian undertones, smash people down in the ring, frequently grab her or other peoples' boobs and drink heavily from her "fickplunta" (I'm pretending she's drinking port) . I think she's a little bit of each and every one of us. The faggot, the maggot, the boob and the spoon.

What say yee? I mean she might not be no Tim Curry and she might not even be my favourite wrestler, but damnit that woman has something we have. I feel it would be appropriate we made her into a "patron saint" or at least honorary Oddball. Once again I ask, what say yee?


Great Escape

I'm weak, I'm tired, I'm running out of port and I'm starting to find the dull faces on the back of my books sexually attractive.

Solution: I'm going to travel 1000 kilometers by train. And back again.

This journey will cleanse my mind and refresh my senses.

This is how it's going to sound and look like in my head, traveling, for a total of two thousand brain-draining kilometers:

URL: Legend, Unicorn

And sometimes, like this:

URL: Patrick Watson - The Great Escape

And sort of like this, too.


Älska SVT


Jag PLUGGAR. Om jag bara skriker det tillräckligt många gånger så måste det vara sant.

Det är roligt hur man för att befästa en inte helt självklar men eftertraktansvärd identitet tenderar att överdriva den extra mycket. Ungefär som en svag stat som propagerar patriotism till skillnad från en relativt självklar stat, låt säga Sverige, som fostrar anti-nationalism. Vad gör Oddballsen månntro?

Jag hade tänkt att dela med mig av mina myspace music-favoriter för dagen, som jag delvis väljer att genrebestämma som country noir, för att namnet kittlar dödsskönt på tungan. Som en cool och på livet bitter version av Fjällfil. Men jag vill inte riktigt. Jag är rädd att musiken de facto är skit och att jag inte kommer kunna stå för mina preferenser när jag väl är ute ur denna desperationskantade uppsatsbubbla. Jag tänker istället bara säga att: TNA Wrestling med ODB, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim och The Beautiful People ÄR bättre än porr. Vilket säger fantastiskt lite om underhållningskvalitén. Men än en gång, mina böjelser är för tillfället allt annat än representativa (Jag har för övrigt återfunnit min genant äckelkåta passion för Jack White). Det är hårda tider chez Mousse. Hursomhelst: Gå till Ape om ni vill ha mer TNA. Apan levererar nämligen även kvalitativa anekdoter och tillhörande, ifrågasättbar sporthistoria. Det krävs en nörd.

Knack, knack! Vem där?


Kära Oddballs (och andra Svensk-talare).

Hur översätter man "smirk" till Svenska?


My Shame For Everyone To See, Touch, Smell.

Just a delightful YouTube (and television) moment:

You'll probably find it mildly entertaining.

I'm laughing my tiny ass off.



Paint your nails, little Sally Joy!

Yesterday I rediscovered my old obsession with the song "I'm a boy" by The Who. It's a damn good song. So I went to YouTube. And I hate the fact that some goddamn anime crap delivered such a fine portraying of it. It happens way too often for it to be cool. YouTube is a festering mud pool for stuff like that. Fucking anime. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Today I hate the world.

Ends don't meet. Sense isn't made.


Stare into the eyes of the tiger.

Yet another week of a non-embedded video. I really don't know what to say other than this is something I wish we could do. It's stupid, it's exploitative and I think I will enjoy it.

There will also be nuns, violence and nudity. I will enjoy. I might even sneeze.


Besides who wouldn't want to see a movie called Bitch Slap?!


The Replacement

As I was walking home from a friend tonight I started thinking about it. It's a 10 minute walk which is mainly through a living area with houses all over the place. Tonight I paid attention to the rooms that were lit and out of the two houses in which I could spot people, in both of them someone was in front of a computer screen. As I got back home the first thing I did (before I took off my shoes even) was to turn on my laptop.

What does this mean?

Other than that computers and internet access are taken for granted and takes up a lot of people's time. I was just wondering what it is a replacement for. What did people do before us? What was the time spent online used for instead? Are we gaining or losing something from the growth of internet and our reliance on it?

What has the Internet replaced in our lives and what will ultimately be the consequences of this?


Words from my heeeaaart (it's a soft one, it's a lost case)

I dance my way to the bathroom to get my daily double dose of antihistamine. Well there, my ever-leaping body drops the tiny pill in the sink and I immediately get pictures in my mind from Trainspotting, where the protagonist digs through a toilet filled with faeces and vomit to get back his involuntarily pooped capsule of… I don’t know. Amphetamine, perhaps. I look at my recaptured pill. This one looks poop-free. I gulp it down together with some water, spray stuff in my nose and dance my way back to the couch. It’s going to be a good day today.

[behold: important super-potent mega-message]

The purpose of this post, my dears, is that I want to tell you (and myself) that I am now officially going into study mode. It will last until the end of this month. I don’t know exactly what it will entail. I don’t necessarily want to know. I know that I will have to come up with, type down and properly arrange an amount of ten thousand words in less than twenty days. It’s not too much, and it’s not a little. This phase, this study mode of mine, might mean that my internet time will be reduced. It might also, judging from earlier study mode experiences, mean an improved online presence, however desperate and anguish-smitten. I know that you never really expect anything from me. But this time it’s a double-tie kinda thing. I want you to expect very little. And very much. And nothing.

[end of ISPM-message]

And it turned out a great day! On my way home from an awesome school day I pondered upon what has tormented me the last couple of days. Namely, what kind of booze can replace whiskey? As in, what can I drink in small amounts every day, that improves my essay-writing, doesn’t blur my mind, has about the same potency as whisky, but is drinkable by me? WELL, as I searched Systemet five minutes later for a suitable strong drink it suddenly hit me. It has to be sherry! I know it’s about half as strong as whisky. But that’s a minor problem. I can drink twice the amount and it will cost about the same. I found the coolest bottle with a crazy sherry-madame named Alicia on it. I sort of loved it. Then, at an arm’s length away, I saw port wine. And from what I recall, port is the shit. It’s from Portugal! Very attractive bottle, too. See picture. I decided that sherry is too sweet and went for the port. What would you have done?


Geek Sunday

So a bit late, but I got home really late last night and I just collapsed in my bed once I did.

As mentioned over in my livejournal, I went to the Xena Convention, so this weeks Sunday video is a Xena tribute and the post a Geek tribute.

There is something so lovely about the Geek. We live in our own worlds and for the most time those worlds are so bright and shiny and warm that you just don't understand why you would ever want to step outside. Then again if you didn't have the obnoxious and grey outside as a contrast perhaps our worlds would be meaningless.

Long live the Geek and in the words of Adam Savage:
"I reject your reality and replace it with my own."

The replacement of reality. Xena á la Brokeback.

As per request, the whole story over on LJ:
A Day In the Life of the Convention Going Geek

Addition. So I'm just a wee bit sad I missed out on the evening activities. (tiny take not, this is what we want you to wear, skip the dresses and go with the chaps!)


Synkroniserad dans.

Vi borde återuppta våra tankar på synkroniserad dans.
Fick en länk av en vän som berättade att de framfört denna på sista april i Lund. Studera posen första gången han sjunger "Cry" ingående, den är så otroligt vacker.