
Bokslut 2007

Happy New Year Y'All!

Listen, I'm in a hurry, so let's not get our hopes up. But something ought to be written this last day of the year, or I shant be able to sleep for the coming 366 days, or however many days there are.

Anywho, I like music. Yes! Confession time, girls. Sometimes, I look at you guys and I fantasize. In my dream, we are a band. And we produce a couple of records.

This is the cover of our Christian Rock album. It's called "Jesus is out there". We get really good reviews, with describing key words like truthful, emotional and hip. We tour the forest-covered south of Sweden for six whole months.

This is our feminist album. It's called "Vague Vaginas" and all the songs sound like bad versions of Le Tigre's Deceptacon. We get no respect and few reviews, but we don't care.

This is our romantic album. Its name is "heart". We get no reviews for this one, and Tiny thinks it's because we used the symbol of a heart on the cover instead of writing heart with letters. Newspapers don't like using symbols in articles, she says. We think she makes a lot of sense.

Finally, we're out of money and we decide to produce a good old Smurf Hits album. Basically, we sing covers of our previous material (mostly the popular Jesus stuff) using the reliable technique of smurf voicing. It sells. Poorly.

Then we O.D and die.



Joha: hur går det med din 101-lista?
Hur många saker har du gjort?

Elsa: Lever du?

Mart: Lika trevligt som alltid att talas vid. (ja, faktiskt, jag och Mart förde ett aldeles normalt och trevligt samtal via msn härom kvällen)


Doin it elf-style.

Time for some Christmas Spirit Oddball style.


Do a little dance. Make a little love. And watch us go.


Göra och Icke-Göra

Bruksanvisningar och skötselråd är underhållande.

På baksidan av min "Propyless - Mjukgörand Hudlotion" tub hittade jag denna lilla mys-text;

Graviditet och amning. För att det ammande barnet inte i onödan ska få i sig propylenglykol bör Propyless inte smörjas på bröstvårtorna under amning.


Google Me and Ye Shall Find

I was bored. I googled. I was amazed, google my (real "English") name and the 10th link is on me.

I did some more googling.

the oddballs lolita
gave me this

the oddballs mousse gave me this

the oddballs tiny gave me this


Pam Ann

I'm really not sure what to make of it.

At all.

However I felt I needed to share the confusion.


Ny superkraft!

Jag och den magnifika Epe kom på den ULTIMATA superkraften, nämligen kraften att bebåda någon. Det skulle jag lungt välja före alla muskler i världen (typ).

Tänk så lätt det skulle vara att få Mousse & Mart att hålla tyst då och då!
"Är du inte tyst så vet du vad som händer" sen pekar man lite hotfullt på magen på väl vald skränig person, som då genast tystnar! Rena drömmen.

Något som också skulle vara kul, är att random-bebåda folk när man exempelvis är på stan, eller annat (o)passande ställe. Det skulle verkligen sätta guldkant på min tillvaro!



Rerun of review

It's getting tiresome, my movie review sharing. I can sense it. But when am I not tiresome? People, I aim to tire! Bad publicity is also publicity. And cookies for the people!

...aaaaaaaand they excused her behaviour. The Mousse is too cute, Lolita exclaimed smiling and gave Mousse a warm and friendly hug. Right? Right.

Next was not a great movie. But good. Jessica Biel was in it. And, to quote Tiny, she's just plain boring. Nicholas Cage did what he could and the film got, unusually enough, better towards the end. You know, it was one of those films that you think ok, it's an interesting plot, but they will screw up with the ending. They didn't. Anyway, the greatest attraction was our (mine and lil bro's) own side plot about Knut the Danish dwarf, Nichals Cage's little helper. He was awesome, making cameos a little here and there. We even came up with sequels, after the movie ended.

Turistas. Now this is the kind of movie where you think you have it all figured out. And we sorta did. Stupid, back-packing bikini-models get caught by super evil human organ dealers. And the ethnic minority gets killed first. And it was exactly that. And so much more! Great dialogue, plausible situation-handling, true characters. Felt like a documentary. It felt like me. Without, of course, the looking good in bikini. Do watch this movie!

Zodiak. I don't know. I had heard it was great. That's never a good start. I hadn't heard there was a real life story behind it. It got better when I did. Um... It was long. It was good. Cutie Jake Gyllenhaal was in it. End of story.

The Grudge 2. Haven't seen the first one. So what happened was that they tried to scare me with a little girl-boy with heavy mascara (we already have plenty of those carefree slouls walking the streets in reality) who was probably scary and mysterious sometime in the prequel. But just as in The Ring 2, you get too much visible monster for your money. And it would've helped if they had thought of an actual plot. Booo!



Kära Moussie, här är en rescention av den underbara pjäsen jag pratade om.



Why does this clip automatically make me think of Tiny and Mousse?

Same with these guys. Who's who...well, isn't that obvious?!



Här sitter jag uppe alldeles för sent. Min hjärna jobbar dock för högvarv, men är det någon hemma?

Man blir impulsiv, tankar som inte tänkts förut blir nu självklara.

Ja, jag vet för andra tycks det mest likna svammel, men I en himmelsk minut är det så rätt för mig.

Hur som helst så har jag tänkt på saker man kna vara. Jag är den siste att prisa placerandet av folk I fack, men attans om det inte är roligt att komma på saker man är.

Själv är jag “Självutnämnde BDSMare”, jag är även “A Dilettante With A Cause”.

Of which I am damn proud.


Daft Punk is playing at my house.

Oh, well, yeah, Whatever...

Varför skaffar inte Tiny Facebook?

Hur ska armbindlarna egentligen se ut?

Varför har jag inga bilder från Väddö?

Hur kommer det sig att jag inte ens börjat läsa 1984?

Varför köper jag så mycket musik?

Hur ska Leicester leva upp till min systers skyhöga förväntningar på England?

Frågorna är många, svaren är få.

I say

We lack an Ape, and for that we grieve. Having her physically close was an ephemeral luxury.

What we have, is the possibility to watch movies. So, in order of watching:

Scary Movie 4 was almost not worth watching. I’m easy when it comes to parody. Very easy. So it wasn’t a total waste of time. The problem was that the difference between parody and mindless repeating of long scenes without any real twists was... blurred. Or maybe it was clear.

Apocalypto. It’s rare, but sometimes it takes a megalomaniac with immense resources to create something that feels innovative. My anthropological self is critical, yet strangely pleased.

Bug. Loved it! Questioned things like are your personality enriched or impoverished by your relations to other people? And paranoia, how far can you let it go? Great dialogue, great actors. But I did feel a bit sorry for my hungover brother who said it was a simple movie about giant bugs and not as he put it, “psychological shit”. He was proved wrong.

The Pursuit of Happyness. A true underdog-achieving-the-American-Dream kinda movie. But without the magical solutions to your problems. You suffer with the main character, who is skillfully humanized by no less than Will Smith. And by letting us viewers suffer, we also gain something from watching the movie. The key with this movie is that it delivers. They successfully use details to make us get the picture. A 14$ debt and a panicked voice explains and makes you connect. At the same time, it’s never pitch-dark. Which is its point, really. And with that they succeed as well, without ever going anywhere near comedy.


one year later, i finally join the party.

sooo... who's doing who?


Den Högkulturella Hösten 2007

Med mina nya glassögon & nyfunna Viktorianska faiblesse, blev behovet av en "Högkulturell Höst" ytterst akut.

Under en gemensam tankestorm med Lolita, över en svart kopp kaffe & vinbärskaka med tillhörande vaniljglass utformades dessa tankar till en handlingsplan.

  • Bokcirkel - Exempel på författare vi skall fördjupa oss i; Orwell, Palahniuk, Dante, Martin Svensson, Nostradamus, Sartre, de Sade.
  • Korrespondens - Efter en tekniskt avancerad period törstar våra sinnen efter det okomplicerade, det vackra, det klassiska skapandet. Vi vill gå i våra mästares fotspår och göra det handskrivna brevet till vårt främsta kreativa & konstnärliga kommunikationsmedel. Genom denna korrespondens skall vi skapa ett arkiv för framtida generationers åtnjutande.
  • Strukturering av The Odds-biblioteket - En aktuell boklista skall sammanställas över den gemensamma boksamlingen.

Med den nakne mannens magnifika turkosa rumpa í blickfånget avslutar vi denna sejour.

/ Lolita & Ape




Listening to Red Hot chili Peppers, wearing sandals, feeling dirty and eating salty waffles.

I need new music. A pair of shoes. A shower. Sugar.

And I need you to stop looking at me like I'm going to change your life.

I hate mirrors. Yet I'm unmistably drawn towards them.

Anywho, I've been watching films, with an urgent need to share.

Office space. One of those movies that have been on my to-see list because it's constantly quoted and referred to. It feels good to have seen it. I even got a few laughs.

The Omen was what I wanted and nothing more. The exact same story as in the original version (except for a 9/11 reference and whatnot), but a little more human and way better special effects.

The Devil's Rejects: As you might know, I loved House of 1000 Corpses. Now this film wasn't exactly what I had expected from a sequel. The sick horror/comedy feeling that you experience in the prequel has evolved into sick thriller/comedy/drama. It doesn't aim to shock, it aims to... explain. Or at least lets you dive into the characters' lives, relations and history. At first I think it's rather painful to watch them so closely, to see them as normal people, with normal trains of thought. They almost look pathetic. The pain! It's daring, what Zombie does. But as the film goes on, you start to love them again. And again. And again. And again. It's a great movie.

The Mothman Prophecies was a disappointment. We were promised a Mothman. What we got was a lot of indications, by both men and moths. But no Mothman. Note to self: Don't watch prophecy movies, they are built on nothing but loopholes.

Lord of War with Nicholas Cage, who I thought was going to ruin the movie, simply with his presence. Nothing wrong with Cage. It's just. His face. It's strangely stonelike. But he was great. Also, it's nicely shot and had an interesting and dynamic plot.

Planet Terror: Cool. Humorous. Absolutely tantalizing.

This is England: The best thing about this film was the high quality acting. And the successful projection of a genuine 80's feeling. It is quite enough to make it worth seeing. But don't expect to be offered any new takes on, or original explanations to, human behaviour. Or even interesting human fates. Expect to be a little moved and depressed.

The Number 23: I've liked Jim Carrey ever since Dumb and Dumber. He does a good job in this captivating thriller. See it!

Blades of Glory: It's entertaining, though not worth obsessing over. It has some beautiful Zoolander-passages, for sure. However, it is slightly exaggerated at times, without getting away with it by being exaggerated through it all. No, wait... It aims to be exaggerated and ends up unoriginal. Still good. The awesome final skate, to Flash, by Queen.


Which Oddball Are You, Truly? NEW!

EDIT: I've made improvements. Same shit. But better. I hope. Plus two new questions.

Which Oddball are you? (old version)

And after the quiz, take a look at your picture:

You are Tiny!
You are Lolita!
You are Ape!
You are Mousse!
You are the King! NEW!


We laughed when, really, we cried.

The Oddballs have been out island-adventuring. It was on a Swedish island. The biggest there is, as a matter of fact. Facts are usually of little importance to us Odds, but as I have little to recite, facts are helpful as filling in my blog cake. This is a blog cake. Don't get me wrong, numerous events took place during our stay away, lots of filling, but the words won't come to me. So I'm just going to keep on stating facts.

Who were we and what did we accomplish?

There was Lolita, whose greatest achievement was to arrange free and qualitative housing, various useful itineraries and guide-like anecdotes. Sometimes genuinely interesting, sometimes questionable.

Also, she made a very tasty sausage casserole and drank approximately eight litres of tea. Other things she entertained herself with was go shopping with the very impressionable Ape and exceed our food allowances by bringing home large amounts of chocolate, chips and celebrity gossip magazines.

tiny, or - the one whose name we tend to forget - was also there. We think she enjoyed herself. She wore a dress some days.

Ape spent her days trying to clean herself. I could post a picture of her sitting in an under-sized wooden water barrel in the garden, but it would in no way help us understand her behaviour. Apart from the cleaning, she was very energized, optimistic and playful. She terrorized the Nameless girl with different water-ejaculating weapons. But NG proved a vengeful soul and soon they were both wet. Mousse too, whose interference no one could explain.

The Ape later became ill and somewhat reclusive.

Me, Mousse, played a very important role. First I was sick and whiny. Then I got better, but kept whining. Moreover, I took it as my duty to provide the group with pills. Pain, diarrhea, pregnancy or boredom. I could cure all sicknesses with my personal supply. My lapdog Ape served as guinea pig and got weird.

Then one day we met my Oracle. It was interesting. She happened to be a heavily built woman on a farm somewhere out in nowhere with her very own overpriced flea market. We spoke of my pathetic love life and she told me not to sit and wait for the handsome knight on a white horse to come sweep me away, like she had done, and end up alone. My man might not look the best or even know how to ride a horse, but he will be the right one. I thanked her for the wise words, complimented her very large collection of 70's plastic utensils and bought Nana by Émile Zola for 5 SEK. She said it was lustful. The book.

Things we did together as a group was eating, eating, eating and reading celebrity gossip magazines. I like Lindsay Lohan the most. My friends are not so selective. They appreciate colorful pictures. We were happy together, crowded around a magazine, and that is all that matters.

These are my facts.


The Summer of The Dude

I've reached a decision. After having spent 3 weeks working for Archaeology's version of "The Dude" and pondering my unemployed summer I've decided to live like The Dude for the next 2 months.

After having succesfully avoided my examresults for this term I have now realised they were quite good. So therefore I no longer feel the pressing need to be an adult this summer. I have in a way earned the right to wear a dressing robe the entire summer and drink White Russians and just relax. And that my dear friends are what I am going to do.

I'm going to create mixed tapes. Laze in the sun. Drink milk with ice-cubes in it (I don't necessary need the alcohol). Wear worn and torn shorts. Find a pair of good bum sun-glasses. Not cut my hair. Wear flip-flopps and try my best to stay away from socks. And instead of bowling I'm going to spend my time playing "kubb".

Those are my plans.


There must be more than this provincial life.

There is not a single Oddball in sight, yet I find myself more inspired than in a very long time. And I'm always sorta inspired. But not like this.

I want to do it all. I wanna go all the way with you guys, my dear friends, the ultimate freaks of today, yesterday and tomorrow. I'm ready, and wide open.

And where are you? Lolly's in the crazy South, Ape's in pork land and K-Mart is probably working.

And I'm here, watching the tadpoles grow in size and lessen in numbers in my garden pond.

I wonder, do they feed on each other?


Since I for once have nothing to say... However...I feel the urge to post someting.

I've kinda realized that pepole seldom do listen to me, pepole always come and ask again, and again, and again. It drives me crazy, and makes me want to kick someones ass.

And so, since no one will pay attention.. I was about to post some porn, but I kinda knew that Mousse would be too excited...

What a waste.


Gop, Gop!

As if it wasn't good enough that he's from Uk-raine he just happens to be a crossdresser as well and the music is deliciously camp and catchy. It is love.




Something that might please Tiny.



Idag, mina kära vänner, har något hysteriskt historiskt hänt.

Jag undersökte utbudet på Myrorna, och hittar, hör och häpna, en ÄKTA Österrikisk DIRNDL!

Dock inte någon traditionell öl-flicks-Dirndl, utan en charmig rutig liten sak, men med en väldigt traditionell urrining!

Jag känner nu att min klädsel på pride inte längre är "valfri" utan mer... Dirndl.



Jag har smakat en bit kött som smakade som Mousse& Marts trapphus luktade!
(ungefär som det luktade på andra våningen)

Det var totalt äckel.

Jag ville bara dela med mig...


Bomber och granater.

Igår fick jag veta vad Moussie egentligen vill att jag ska göra med mitt liv.

Mousse: Flytta till Lund och plugga ekonomi

Jag vet ej om denna kommentar var något uppmuntrande eller något nedlåtande. Eller det kanske något som legat undangömt i Moussie hjärta och pga fylla nu kom upp till ytan? Eller var det bara ett desperat försök att få mig att ägna mig åt något annat än NBG?
I vilket fall var det intressant.
Och jag avböjer, vänligt men bestämt, ekonomistudierna.


Got Pride?

Anyone want to attend Pride?

C'mon, it's a deadly sin and it's gay.




The Offical Oddball Library

I have decided that upon this day the Offical Oddball Library is established. The name of this Library is open to discussion, but it has been founded today in it's first rawness.

So far said Library only consists of 2 books. One donate by Tiny and one donated by myself. Also if I can find my "The Picture of Dorian Gray" paperback I will donate this as well.

Now we have reached the logistical aspects of this newfound Library. I am not sure how we will work this out, but we will. As of now I am in control of it, but suggestions of how to make it work are more than welcomed.


I want to find a child of appropriate size and teach it how to swear.


Cheese and Blood

Människor är svaga. Jag är svag.

Jag borde ila med min uppsats, men hur kan man vilja bli klar med den, om spanking utlovas om man inte skriver klart den?

Varför är livet alltid så elakt mot en?

Oxå denna morgon gjorde jag mig en smörgås. Osten tog slut. Jag hade även slut på mjölk. I mitt huvud gjorde jag en lista över vad som behövdes inhandlas senare idag. Mjölk. Ost. Och sen tog min hjärna semester och la till Blod. Det var en smula morbidt och lite upprörande.



Idag var jag på Karlberg, den fantastiska skola som under århundraden format Försvarets stolta, kompetenta Officerare. Och för första gången ifrågasatte jag min önskan att bli officer. Kan ses som ologiskt, men så var fallet.
Kan vara pga. den överdrivet hurtiga officer som visade oss runt och verkade anse fysisk träning som det enda en officer lever för.
Jag har träffat henne tidigare, då på Nijmegen-marschen, då hon i 45-gradig hetta spelade hysterisk Volleyboll (i solen, dessutom) och verkade helt besatt av att skutta runt.

På väg därifrån funderade jag på varför, jag som fullkomligt avskyr fysisk aktivitet, önskar välja en av de få utbildningarna där man faktiskt MÅSTE vara vältränad. Det är för mig ett mysterium.
Jag pratade med mitt plutonbefäl jag hade i lumpen om detta, och han skrattade och påvisade att alla befäl (utom ett) i befälslaget hade "mage" i större eller mindre (omfång)utsträckning. Och det är ju sant, att deras kondition kanske inte är i toppform, viken inte min heller är, så det skulle egentligen inte vara något problem.
Problemet ligger i det faktum att jag måste vara hysteriskt-elit-topp-tränad, för att kunna klara ETT enda test, för att sedan kunna gå på en skola i tre år för att SEDAN kunna "slappna av" och jobba på en arbetsplats där i princip noll kondition krävs.

Jag vet att jag skulle klara av jobbet som uh-officer, det är bara just dessa fysiska test jag är nervös inför. Jag har faktiskt inte varit såhär nervös inför någon form av test förut... Möjligtvis för att det är så avgörande, missar man minsta lilla del, är man ute.

Kanske är nervositeten befogad: Iggy, en av de på min pluton som redan gjort testerna, klarade inte de fysiska testen, och hon har (de facto) bättre kondition jag än vad jag har.
Kanske hade hon inte viljan, men ändå, hon har bättre kondition än vad jag har, och hon klarade det inte.

Jag gissar att min kropp på något vis förstått att jag måste antingen (på en månads tid) utveckla superkondition eller ge upp "drömmen" helt. Hittils har det inte varit något problem med att springa eller gå en mil om dagen, och visst, min kondition har blivit bättre, men inte på långa vägar så bra som den skulle behöva vara. Dessutom väntar jag bara på att mina knän ska säga ifrån...

Detta var ju upplyftande. Inte.


"I just cried a little... He's fish-boy now."

Tonight, as I made Marty watch House of 1000 Corpses with me, it struck me that it shares many passages with The Rocky Horror Picture Show (no linkage needed, none at all!). I know, most horror flicks presents a number of universal qualities, but these two aren't "most horror flick" material. (Especially since RHPS isn't a horror movie, per se.) These films are about freaks, acting it out, inviting non-freaks as their victims. There is also a flat tyre in rain, gratitude turning into captivity, awkward dinner, heavy make-up, shrilly girl-laughter, intense sexual liberation, and crawling in dirt with torn clothes in the end. Less scalping and maiming and wearing old dead men's skin in RHPS than in House of 1ooo Corpses, but still, same message.

There really are no limits to what we can do.



Snart ska jag resa. Snart ska VI resa. Snart kan vi leka tillsammans. JA! *spridda hurrarop*
(jag kan inte hitta min Dirndl-dräkt...)


Just came in from my evening walk...

Have you guys ever walked down a seemingly nice but dark street and feared that you any minute will get blinded, start screaming like mad, fall slowly to the ground while sobbing wildly, biting your thumb bloody and thinking about the River Styx, only to wake up drowsy in a yellowish hospital with a grim doctor leaning over you, mumbling something about anxiety attack?

Because I haven't.


Knutmasso Carnival 2007

I've got much to say, yet none of the inspiration to formulate anything reasonably serviceable. Anyway, here goes... Yesterday was party day for two of the Oddballs. Ape was in Denmark and I can't see how that could've been anywhere near as partyable as Knutmasso. Lolita was with us but feeling low and generally uncomfortable getting dressed up. So she didn't. Somewhat of a bore, as she put it, before she got on the early bus home. However, Me and Marty were on top of the world, together with Knutmasso-veteran B. I also happen to be a veteran within these fields, but I am keeping THE LOW PROFILE. As always.

So we had some food and wine, dressed up in funny clothes, filled our hipflasks with vodka and got out in the Street. This is what we looked like (Thank yous to Lolita for acting photographer, despite feeling low)

I aimed for mime but ended up a transvestite.

Marty also aimed for mime and ended up, very expectedly, a cheap hooker.

B had few clear goals, looked like a mime for a while and landed up matching like crazy.

We fought and we drank and then ended the night with lots of ballroom dancing with several odd creatures. (Ape, I waltzed with a white, furry bear! I silently called him Kodiak and Berith and he excused his stumbling on my feet. No scratching! No blood!)

It was a beutiful night.

Read more: http://www2.unt.se/avd2/1,3908,MC=78-AV_ID=569977,00.html


ytterligare en bok

Du borde läsa "Bonjour Tristesse" av Françoise Sagan
ingen revolutionerande handling, men ett underbart språk.

"Kylan är hennes livsstil, det finns ingenting av beräkning bakom den; hennes likgiltighet skyddar henne för tusen små tarvligheter, den är ett tecken på nobless"

"Anne var inte elak, jag förstod att hon var alltför likgiltig, hennes omdömen hade inte elakhetens stingande udd. Det gjorde dem ännu mer förkrossande"

Well, det kanske inte var världens bästa exempel. But give it a try!

Olika citat (hon är bitter)


Concerning Ape's booklist and the design of our German bordello...

I tried to project the perfect brothely home furnishing idea onto you hoes yesterday. I think I failed. Especially since Ape started to make it into some kind of Wild West theme park. Kodiak bears? Girls, it's our future we're talking about, can't we at least try to make it classy?

Let me just encourage you to read Alain Robbe-Grillet's La Reprise. It's got all the cozy/nasty decadence we need. I say we copy that style, minus all the pedophilia, the rape-murders and the incest, and we have ourselves a high-class whorehouse.

Now, read!


Safe word


This, my ladies, is beauty.
I refuse to keep my own blog, so this is where I go to vomit. Please, do complain. Any sign of life is welcome.

So I am back from my vacation. I had a grand time. Christmas was spent with a crazy Thai Santa who gave gifts to everyone but me, New Year's Eve I was drunk and the day before yesterday I followed my little brother and our roomie to the dark alleys of Ao Nang while they loudly shouted "Prostitution bar! Where is the prostitution bar?" We found several. What is more, I can inform all of you who lie sleepless wondering about the rumours concerning Pete Doherty getting married in Thailand that we spotted him in Phuket. Kate Moss - not so much. Me, I missed him and his one assistant in pink slacks. But I did see Babben Larsson and yes, she is fat again.

Anywho... I hope to see you lollipops tomorrow. I have truly meaningless gifts in funny-colored bags to hand out. You do not want to miss it.