
Oddballs, perfume, curse of the mousse

Ape puts on perfume and smells like one of those sunshiny, flowery, fairytale spring mornings, where clean isn’t simply a description, but a 4-dimensional cartoon, which you can smell.

Lolly puts on perfume and smells like the oriental mistress, whose comforting touch and libido is woven of silky embraces of musk and oranges and obscure passion.

tiny puts on perfume and smells of inexplicable and unearthly perfection and something supposedly ephemeral, for no matter how much you smell her you can never fully grasp its complexity.

And me, I put on perfume, which as it hits my skin reacts, evolves and smells of something sticky, unbearable and ill-boding. Almost like the way you might detect an assertive-smelling smell, not knowing what it is and wonder whether it smells good or bad before you realize it’s rottening garbage you smell. Or zombies. That’s me using perfume. Any perfume.


Anonymous said...

Well... Awfully tragic.
Try chlorine.

/ Lolly

Ape said...

I think that perhaps we need to do something about this. Because really something out there must be the right smell for you. How's things going with the satsumas?

Mousse said...

Oh, the satsuma shower thing works just fine. I go very well together with fragrant lotions, creams, shower gels and nice smelling products of all kinds.

The problem arises when my skin is supposed to relate to pure perfume. Then the type of fragrance becomes critical. The "musk" smells of slaughter, the "fresh" becomes dishwashing liquid and the "romantic" becomes stale honey.

Yet pure perfume is exactly what I want sometimes. Nothing sticky nor fleeting, just a lasting scent.

But I haven't given up yet. Maybe we should go hunt for perfumes some day. I can't believe I'm actually saying this but maybe - MAYBE - StilAkuten should be summoned once more.

Ape said...

I think I kinda like teh sound of that. Lets schedule a session after all these deadlines. Then we shall go out into the land of consumption and find a fragrance that will compliment your skin and send of just the right kind of pheromones.

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