
Daft Punk is playing at my house.

Oh, well, yeah, Whatever...

Varför skaffar inte Tiny Facebook?

Hur ska armbindlarna egentligen se ut?

Varför har jag inga bilder från Väddö?

Hur kommer det sig att jag inte ens börjat läsa 1984?

Varför köper jag så mycket musik?

Hur ska Leicester leva upp till min systers skyhöga förväntningar på England?

Frågorna är många, svaren är få.

I say

We lack an Ape, and for that we grieve. Having her physically close was an ephemeral luxury.

What we have, is the possibility to watch movies. So, in order of watching:

Scary Movie 4 was almost not worth watching. I’m easy when it comes to parody. Very easy. So it wasn’t a total waste of time. The problem was that the difference between parody and mindless repeating of long scenes without any real twists was... blurred. Or maybe it was clear.

Apocalypto. It’s rare, but sometimes it takes a megalomaniac with immense resources to create something that feels innovative. My anthropological self is critical, yet strangely pleased.

Bug. Loved it! Questioned things like are your personality enriched or impoverished by your relations to other people? And paranoia, how far can you let it go? Great dialogue, great actors. But I did feel a bit sorry for my hungover brother who said it was a simple movie about giant bugs and not as he put it, “psychological shit”. He was proved wrong.

The Pursuit of Happyness. A true underdog-achieving-the-American-Dream kinda movie. But without the magical solutions to your problems. You suffer with the main character, who is skillfully humanized by no less than Will Smith. And by letting us viewers suffer, we also gain something from watching the movie. The key with this movie is that it delivers. They successfully use details to make us get the picture. A 14$ debt and a panicked voice explains and makes you connect. At the same time, it’s never pitch-dark. Which is its point, really. And with that they succeed as well, without ever going anywhere near comedy.


one year later, i finally join the party.

sooo... who's doing who?


Den Högkulturella Hösten 2007

Med mina nya glassögon & nyfunna Viktorianska faiblesse, blev behovet av en "Högkulturell Höst" ytterst akut.

Under en gemensam tankestorm med Lolita, över en svart kopp kaffe & vinbärskaka med tillhörande vaniljglass utformades dessa tankar till en handlingsplan.

  • Bokcirkel - Exempel på författare vi skall fördjupa oss i; Orwell, Palahniuk, Dante, Martin Svensson, Nostradamus, Sartre, de Sade.
  • Korrespondens - Efter en tekniskt avancerad period törstar våra sinnen efter det okomplicerade, det vackra, det klassiska skapandet. Vi vill gå i våra mästares fotspår och göra det handskrivna brevet till vårt främsta kreativa & konstnärliga kommunikationsmedel. Genom denna korrespondens skall vi skapa ett arkiv för framtida generationers åtnjutande.
  • Strukturering av The Odds-biblioteket - En aktuell boklista skall sammanställas över den gemensamma boksamlingen.

Med den nakne mannens magnifika turkosa rumpa í blickfånget avslutar vi denna sejour.

/ Lolita & Ape




Listening to Red Hot chili Peppers, wearing sandals, feeling dirty and eating salty waffles.

I need new music. A pair of shoes. A shower. Sugar.

And I need you to stop looking at me like I'm going to change your life.

I hate mirrors. Yet I'm unmistably drawn towards them.

Anywho, I've been watching films, with an urgent need to share.

Office space. One of those movies that have been on my to-see list because it's constantly quoted and referred to. It feels good to have seen it. I even got a few laughs.

The Omen was what I wanted and nothing more. The exact same story as in the original version (except for a 9/11 reference and whatnot), but a little more human and way better special effects.

The Devil's Rejects: As you might know, I loved House of 1000 Corpses. Now this film wasn't exactly what I had expected from a sequel. The sick horror/comedy feeling that you experience in the prequel has evolved into sick thriller/comedy/drama. It doesn't aim to shock, it aims to... explain. Or at least lets you dive into the characters' lives, relations and history. At first I think it's rather painful to watch them so closely, to see them as normal people, with normal trains of thought. They almost look pathetic. The pain! It's daring, what Zombie does. But as the film goes on, you start to love them again. And again. And again. And again. It's a great movie.

The Mothman Prophecies was a disappointment. We were promised a Mothman. What we got was a lot of indications, by both men and moths. But no Mothman. Note to self: Don't watch prophecy movies, they are built on nothing but loopholes.

Lord of War with Nicholas Cage, who I thought was going to ruin the movie, simply with his presence. Nothing wrong with Cage. It's just. His face. It's strangely stonelike. But he was great. Also, it's nicely shot and had an interesting and dynamic plot.

Planet Terror: Cool. Humorous. Absolutely tantalizing.

This is England: The best thing about this film was the high quality acting. And the successful projection of a genuine 80's feeling. It is quite enough to make it worth seeing. But don't expect to be offered any new takes on, or original explanations to, human behaviour. Or even interesting human fates. Expect to be a little moved and depressed.

The Number 23: I've liked Jim Carrey ever since Dumb and Dumber. He does a good job in this captivating thriller. See it!

Blades of Glory: It's entertaining, though not worth obsessing over. It has some beautiful Zoolander-passages, for sure. However, it is slightly exaggerated at times, without getting away with it by being exaggerated through it all. No, wait... It aims to be exaggerated and ends up unoriginal. Still good. The awesome final skate, to Flash, by Queen.