
Pam Ann

I'm really not sure what to make of it.

At all.

However I felt I needed to share the confusion.


Ny superkraft!

Jag och den magnifika Epe kom på den ULTIMATA superkraften, nämligen kraften att bebåda någon. Det skulle jag lungt välja före alla muskler i världen (typ).

Tänk så lätt det skulle vara att få Mousse & Mart att hålla tyst då och då!
"Är du inte tyst så vet du vad som händer" sen pekar man lite hotfullt på magen på väl vald skränig person, som då genast tystnar! Rena drömmen.

Något som också skulle vara kul, är att random-bebåda folk när man exempelvis är på stan, eller annat (o)passande ställe. Det skulle verkligen sätta guldkant på min tillvaro!



Rerun of review

It's getting tiresome, my movie review sharing. I can sense it. But when am I not tiresome? People, I aim to tire! Bad publicity is also publicity. And cookies for the people!

...aaaaaaaand they excused her behaviour. The Mousse is too cute, Lolita exclaimed smiling and gave Mousse a warm and friendly hug. Right? Right.

Next was not a great movie. But good. Jessica Biel was in it. And, to quote Tiny, she's just plain boring. Nicholas Cage did what he could and the film got, unusually enough, better towards the end. You know, it was one of those films that you think ok, it's an interesting plot, but they will screw up with the ending. They didn't. Anyway, the greatest attraction was our (mine and lil bro's) own side plot about Knut the Danish dwarf, Nichals Cage's little helper. He was awesome, making cameos a little here and there. We even came up with sequels, after the movie ended.

Turistas. Now this is the kind of movie where you think you have it all figured out. And we sorta did. Stupid, back-packing bikini-models get caught by super evil human organ dealers. And the ethnic minority gets killed first. And it was exactly that. And so much more! Great dialogue, plausible situation-handling, true characters. Felt like a documentary. It felt like me. Without, of course, the looking good in bikini. Do watch this movie!

Zodiak. I don't know. I had heard it was great. That's never a good start. I hadn't heard there was a real life story behind it. It got better when I did. Um... It was long. It was good. Cutie Jake Gyllenhaal was in it. End of story.

The Grudge 2. Haven't seen the first one. So what happened was that they tried to scare me with a little girl-boy with heavy mascara (we already have plenty of those carefree slouls walking the streets in reality) who was probably scary and mysterious sometime in the prequel. But just as in The Ring 2, you get too much visible monster for your money. And it would've helped if they had thought of an actual plot. Booo!



Kära Moussie, här är en rescention av den underbara pjäsen jag pratade om.



Why does this clip automatically make me think of Tiny and Mousse?

Same with these guys. Who's who...well, isn't that obvious?!



Här sitter jag uppe alldeles för sent. Min hjärna jobbar dock för högvarv, men är det någon hemma?

Man blir impulsiv, tankar som inte tänkts förut blir nu självklara.

Ja, jag vet för andra tycks det mest likna svammel, men I en himmelsk minut är det så rätt för mig.

Hur som helst så har jag tänkt på saker man kna vara. Jag är den siste att prisa placerandet av folk I fack, men attans om det inte är roligt att komma på saker man är.

Själv är jag “Självutnämnde BDSMare”, jag är även “A Dilettante With A Cause”.

Of which I am damn proud.