

As I think we are all familiarising ourselves with the lovely (or not so lovely) world of Harlequin, I thought it was about time we had a post on it. Or basically I got a little bit bored and googled Harlequin, and quickly found myself on eHarlequin.com.

While enjoying myself immensely as I browsed the site (and found free downloadable copies of their books! - and yes I am totally thinking about downloading the one about fatherhood and twins) I also found my new favourite category of books, Superromance. I kid you not, there is such a genre. It does not include supermen or mutants, but is simply a kind of romance so super it deserves it's own genre. Or to quote the site itself;

"Romance has never felt more real than in our Harlequin Superromance series! More than a romantic relationship, it's mainstream romance with the promise of happy ever after!"

Is it just me or does this description sound incredibly aggressive? Oppressive almost. All those exclamation points!

And seeing how they both cater to the African-American and Hispanic communities I say why not replace the Sheik with the predatory-Butch. As a matter of fact why not read through their extremely helpful writing guidelines and then get cracking.

What say you?


Mousse said...

It does sound tantalizing.

But if the difference is anything like the one between soft porn and hardcore porn, then I'm not so sure it's 'better', in the strictest form of the word.

Anywho, that doesn't stop it from being OUR genre. The genre where our writing skills will come most at handy.

Anonymous said...

Jag blir irriterad varje gång jag tänker på den där boken. Jag vill inte behöva utsättas för det igen.

Mousse said...

Nejmen vad triiiiist kompis! Själv gillade jag den. Skrattade ofta.

Har till och med laddat ner den där pappan med tvillingarna-boken.

Det kommer bli så jävla bra.