
Hear my Confession and then be my Judge

Forgive me Oddballs for I have sinned, I have strayed from our accepting and wonderful flock and used my sense of Oddballness in other people’s presence. I have even gone so far as to repeatedly refer to someone besides Mousse as my Master, and on a regular basis insulted said person with insults only worthy of an Oddball.

I feel dirty, almost filthy. I don’t know what to do, how can I ever look you, my fellow Oddballs in the eyes again without feeling the sting of pain deep down in my soul?

How will I ever be able to go back to my people, will I ever again be able to be a proud part of our Holy Foursome, or am I doomed to feel the shame for the rest of my god forsaken earthly life?

I wish I could say that I will never again do what I have done, but alas I’m afraid that tomorrow I will go back to treating none Oddballs in an Oddball manner.

I will ink our name into my flesh, however I am uncertain as to whether that is penance enough for my crimes.

Name my punishment and I will accept it.


Mikey said...

This is interesting, I have been seriously wondering about this. Are you allowed to be oddbally around none-oddballs? Or, I mean, are you allowed to be oddbally without the presens of any other real oddball? Because – and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong – sometimes in Brum I felt like you might lean towards your oddball-sides? Then again, that might just have been you being very BB-y, now when I think about it... After all, I'm the epo, I tend to bring BB-y-ness out in people, especially when drunk..

xx the epo

Mousse said...

Look, freak, you're just asking for a thorough master/lapdog whip session.

And I'm your Master. And I say no.

Just because you happen to be in the poopy States of Poo (I like poop. So...?) and people are laughing at your wannabe witty jokes and sucking up to your ginger ass DOES NOT mean that I will do the same when you get back home.

Oh no.

You will once more be confined to laugh only at my jokes, listen to my endless babbling and kiss my blonde ass. (Yes, it's true, your hair-color does rip off on your ass-color.)

So go on, call her Master, whoever she is, but you know, as well as I do, that your current paradisiac life is but an ephemeral pause from reality. And me.

I love you.

- But I'll only laugh at you when you fall.

Ape said...

I'll let the joint forces of the Oddballs answer your question epo.

Mousse my dear, to be honest I think I am only using her as a substitute. It's just not the real thing we are way too equal for it too be the real master/lapdog thing, but by calling her Master I can pretend that there are some nice familiar elements from home.

Besides it was your dream that started it, before that I had no need for a master, but when you told me about it it just rattled my bones. Because both of us were behaving so out of character that I needed to emidately feel the comfort of our familiar relationship and thereby I created a master to serve while over here.