
You're making it worse!

I just realised something. I'm a fairly gay person in my own right. Horribly queer, but I'm also fairly gay. Though being friends with you guyses is making it worse. You're making me gayer!

On your own you are not particularly gay neither one of you, but for me to be friends with you is adding to my own gayness.

One of my closest friends (who happens to be female) is a career soldier. Two of my other very close friends, both female, spent 4 months living together in a one bedroom apartment in Paris. Not to mention the lesbian love package. I mean c'mon you guys! Could you make me look gayer!?

That said, I'm not complaining. I really don't mind, I might even enjoy the fact that your acquaintance is making me look gayer.

Next time you see me, feel free to shout: "She's so gay!" after me, but do bare in mind that you are the ones who are putting the so in that sentence.

This is probably the gayest song - ever!
Click it!


This Week on Youtube - Boney M

What this blog needs is a constant. Something reliable. Something perpetual.

Hence “This Sunday on Youtube”. Each Sunday the you tube of the week will be picked and a few words will be written about it or something indirectly linked to the video.

This Week: Boney M - Daddy Cool

For those of you who don’t know who Boney M actually are here’s a short recap as to why you should love and honour them. They are something as exotic as a Euro-Disco group with members from the West Indies orchestrated by a German producer. Their music is pointless and highly camp featuring all from Russian legends to Baby G to Chicagoan women with an attitude. If none of those reasons are good enough for you at least worship them for their looks and performances.

Though the group still exist, this type of music does not and for that we as a human race have become a little bit poorer.


Jag såg Steve Buscemis mun på stan...

På en person som inte var Buscemi. Likväl fascinerande.

Nåväl. Hemma, vid matbordet...

Pappa: Ha! Mamma är ingen gourmet, hon gillar inte oliver!
Bror (mumlar): Pappa är ingen gourmet, han gillar inte tacos.
Mousse (skriker, från andra änden av bordet): Ha! Du inser att du säger emot dig själv där. Tacos är lågt stående mat. Alla gillar tacos.
Bror: Du inser att du någonstans i Sydamerika klassas som förståndshandikappad.

Vad tycker du?


34 sekunder djup

Det här är tiny på jobbet. Den där dagen jag kom på besök.

Remember how we used to discuss the perfect death...?

I know you. I know all your secrets. I know all your lies. I know your hands, know your eyes. I know how you speak, I know why you write. I know why you laugh, and how you make other people laugh. I know how you feel. I know who you love and how you love.

I know your scars and I know your fears. I know, because I've been watching you. Listening to you. I know why you cry.

I know when you were born. I know when you're going to die. I know you're dying. I'm here to kill you.

And I would be killed. Dead. Relieved.
