
Because everyone are talking.

I've been bombarded today, it's everywhere. So I thought I'd do my duty and blog about it as well. But instead of using my own words I thought I'd just post an amusing comment I found on YouTube.

Not that hate is amusing, but...sometimes it actually is.

And who knew, the trainer dude isn't a mute. Too bad, I was kinda hoping for a mute prince. Would have been nice...and very Swedish.


Mina damer!

Vad? - Kalas!
När? - 090225 klockslag kan diskuteras, I'm all yours.
Var? - Där Sala Backe-flickan bor
Klädsel? - Ja. Inledningsvis burka, därefter cocktailklänning.

A little something for Lolly

Seeing how she's on her way home, it felt appropriate to dedicate a post to her. Therefore, the following vid is for Lolly. But let the rest of us enjoy it was well.

'Although rectally applying eardrops might be classified as bad...'

"...obedience to an authority figure is inherently neither good nor bad." (Passer & Smith et. al 2009:617)

Yes, I am studying. And according to the book, society would face chaos without obedience. That slightly superfluous information got me thinking about Ape, naturally, and why it is such an excellent idea of her to start a bdsm club. It would be order in chaos, her own tiny cosmos. However submissive, she would be God. And thanks to that, I now finally comprehend the concept of a "humble" god. It's all so clear now. God just wants Its ass spanked.

On a brighter note, and to keep on the never inexhaustible Ape track, Monday was PayDay and I got store-bought cinnamon buns.

On a yet brighter note, Lolita will be home on leave next week and we will celebrate her belated birthday.

On a not so bright one, Little Lemming (Marty) has lost the ability to send text messages. And she's been facing a lot of poop lately, although that delicate info might well have been classified.

Today I'm listening to Indian Thriller and my thoughts go to all you children out there who are proud to be harelipped and do not try to surgically correct yourselves. In other words, Val Kilmer, Joaquin Phoenix and Therese from my old class are absolutely not in my thoughts today.

Power to the hare-people!


Nudity -- it's subjective.

When I said yes, this is what I meant.


Lately Very Hungry

To begin with, and I’ve been meaning to say this earlier, I think it was awfully wrong of me and Ape to criticize Joss Whedon for building the Scoobies’ love and friendship solely on outsidership. I mean, come on! Let us be free to dissect and reject anything. Anything but that. We simply can't afford to lose faith in our loving unity of disunity.

Secondly, I am expecting this week to be filled with anguish over my exam and the fact that I should be studying and that that feeling will in turn not make me study, but at least make me blog and thus satisfy my productive self, however insignificant a part of me. As it is now, I do nothing but eat chocolate. But worry not, for it is but Monday, and this IS actually a post.

And thirdly, today’s song:

Emilíana Torrini – Jungle Drum


How was your day?

Yesterday sucked, thoroughly. Or at least until I read a random sign. After I made the discovery that as part of being a nurse comes the duty to scrub the patients' belly buttons before surgery. After that point I kept imagining tiny enthusiastically scrubbing all kinds of navels; old, young, male, female, short, fat, pointy, tall, small. It was a mental imagery that worked as my spoonful of sugar and the rest of the working day flew by.

Also later on I was made aware of the fact that Dollhouse had aired the previous evening. I threw myself all over it (though with low expectations, the trailer kinda sucked) and now wish to be scolded by Ms. Penn. Oh, and also I'm rather excited, because it's the best television I've seen in a very long time. And not just because of the white dress/pillowcase. It's like a philosophy lesson in the feel of an anime with touches of Whedon all over, plus all the eye candy you could possibly wish for.




Notera hur många gånger Teddybjörnen Fredriksson är med. Det kan bara metyda att Lasse B sluddrar och troligtvis var full (eller kanske har ett talfel?).

Jag fick ett brev idag!
Det handlade om Afrika och det var en teckning i kuvertet. Jag ska nog sätta upp teckningen i STEXet. Den passar här tillsammans med PartyRäven, Wunder Baumen och Hallonalmanackan.


The latest from the viral world

Meet 7 year old David. This is his 15 minutes of fame. And oh how he'll hate his father once he grows up and understands this. But in the meanwhile he is strangely relatable in this post-dentist video. Possibly because of his Oddball behaviour, if you disregard the drugs.


For I am also a woman of my words.

For I am Samson.

Lolly matches her uniform, Mos is pleasantly brown, tiny is playfully blonde and I am...

...robbed of my strength. Very much of it.


Den där veckan när jag fick en burkha på posten.

...and everything kept coming back to religion.

My week began on a rather lovely note. As I went to get the post I had one of those surprises that makes an entire week (or possibly quarter of a year). There it was. A parcel with Afghanistan as a return address. Already I was giddy as an opiated sheep, things only got much much worse as I opened it to reveal a beautifully bright green burkha. Life was wonderful. And the wonders only continued as I put it on. In an instant I was transformed into a highly politically incorrect mixture between Barbalala and Superman. I roamed through our house looking for Lois Lane who had been captured by Talibans disguised as evil sheep. Just as I was to embark on a heroic rescue my sister stepped through the door and my elaborately constructed alternative reality disintegrated into a million little dust particles.

The week continued with suggestive comments, English speaking, more religion in the forms of both Allah and the vengeful sodomite smiter usually referred to as the Almighty Father. Not to mention mishaps at the sperm bank and kick-bike adventures i Kulverten. Then there was also 5 minutes when I considered becoming a nun.

Now I'm standing on the dunes beyond religion looking out over the vast sea of weird human behaviour feeling a strangely acute sense of compassion. Which in turn led me down the internet road to RFSL and apparently I might be doing some volunteering, and if I am I do expect all of you to stop by and support my pamphlet pushing during Uppsala Pride.
I really like how Ape works, gets money and buys me candy. I do not only like it, in fact I love it. It is an arrangement possibly descended from heaven. I wish the world would always look like this. And yes, this has partly to do with the fact that she got bruised from cleaning the sperm bank while making said money.

Sometimes, life makes so much sense it hurts.


Lösnäsan strikes again!

Denna gång har lösnäsan påtvingat mig konst!
Jag gillar inte att bli tvingad till saker, speciellt inte till att lyssna på någons favoritmusik, se på JÄTTEROLIGA (yeah right...) Youtube-klipp eller titta på någons favoritkonst (och då förväntas tycka om den).

Detta har lösnäsan klarat med bravur. Jag har uppskattat allt det han, likt en buffé, erbjudit mig.



Den där dagen jag fick en burka på posten.

Det är så den här måndagen kommer förvaras i mitt minne. Att jag åt solrosbröd till frukost, att jag lärde mig om emotioner på morgonlektionerna, att jag fick en superhemlig lapp av Anja som sa att jag var snygg, att jag spenderade lunchen med Amanda, att jag bjöd mina klasskamrater på citronjätten på eftermiddagen, att jag hälsade på en Patrik i köket eller att jag åt fiskgratäng till middag - allt det kommer blekna.

För idag fick jag en burka på posten.

Tack Rebecca – vår flicka på fronten - som trots reellt krig och eventuellt armod har tagit sig tid att skicka en sådan fin och överraskande present.

Jag och min burka.



So I asked my brother for a youtube clip and got this.

Yeah. It's pretty intense.