
My lover is a white, eighteen year old bohemian...

Yeah, so I bought a car last Monday. It's old and it's used and all the four Oddballs probably won't fit inside it at the same time. But I ask you to embrace it and love it as if it was a kitten. A very small kitten with very bad leukemia, who lacks both cat-mother and cat-father. Because that's what it looks like. It is also French, which makes it bohemian, which makes it lovable.

Mark how I refer to my baby as "it". Other cars I've come to know and driven I've always imagined being of some kind of masculine breed. With the stick shift and all. However, this car is so asexually tiny I find myself thinking of it as a child. It even says JUNIOR in pastel-colored letters on the trunk. And you know me, I'm not much of a pedophile. Hence it cannot be a he. Still it cannot be a she. Because if it was, I would have to treat it like a bitch and not change gear with my usually so sensitive hand. Not good.

No, it will have to stay an androgynous kitty for the rest of its auto life. Sad but tru-hue.

I also bought a kickass pair of furry moonboots to go with it.

Now I am broke.


Ape said...

Awesome, if I ever buy a car I want moonboots with it as well.

I already see it as a Fifth member of our group and I'm looking forward to getting better acquainted with it. Can I bring a sticker to attach to it?

Mousse said...

You may bring a sticker, yes.

Whether I choose to attach it or not is another question.

But I could need something to cover up the JUNIOR.

And then... We can make it a ma-ha-ha-ha-haaaan. Yeah!

Ape said...

Aww, I'm so looking forward to presenting my sticker and I think I should be allowed to wear the moonboots when we party on at Ica in Gimo.