

I just watched RHPS for the twelfth time or so. The beauty of it almost made me cry.

Anyway, I know we've established that I would play the role of Rocky in our own future Oddball production of it. However, today it struck me that I am as much a misunderstood blonde with oily skin as I am Columbia's groupie girl with desirous glances towards Frank's crotch.



Ape said...

I think you might be right, in a way you are more Columbia. I think I can approve of this as long as I get to be Magenta.

I mean, even my boss this summer commented on the fact that he could see me as Magenta when we were discussing the glory of RHPS.

Mousse said...

The thing is, I like Rocky more!

I guess "like" isn't the same thing as "being like".

See, I don't much like Columbia. She's a wannabe-cool pain in the ass with an annoying voice.

Like me.