
So anyway...

I know you all hate me, now that I've brought Jesus to the show. So I thought I'd make up for it by devoting this post either to parenting or pirates. Parenting because the topic was discussed this last weekend, à propos me not planning on it. I had lots of bad excuses, the end of the world being one, and my father pointed out that ends of the world usually makes people reproduce at an alarming rate. I countered that with claiming "I'm not mainstream", which is an old lie. Over to pirates. Remember we were going to produce a book of short stories? And that all the stories would have to be about pirates? Well, I've started writing on mine. Just thought I'd warn you. It's going to be awesome. No pirates in it yet. That's a problem.

Well, that was it. Not going to elaborate on either topic.

I have two bad videos for you. The pirate one is worth watching. The parenting, of course, is not.


Lolita said...
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Lolita said...

Jag borde skriva ett välkomponerat och genomtänkt svar. Men jag kan inte.
Jag har tappat förmågan att förstå saker.

Mousse said...

Äh, här finns ju inget att förstå. Pirater, Låla!


Lolita said...


Jag förstår inte dem heller...