"ja.. för det är ju bara du, du, du, du, du hela tiden..."
i watch myself in the mirror
don’t know that face
don’t know its place
i put on some make-up
a docile smile
i laugh, it’s a joke
and something
i try wearing a beard
a tie, a serious look
false, funny, façade
yet, this something
i try to be open
i want to remain whole
i try to see all, but dammit
i want to see Me
i see traces, patches, glimpses
i see a moment, try to fix it
but a moment is just that
there, and when you look
gone. but i’m still here, looking
is that what i look like?
(is that me?)
Kvinnor, Krut och Krig
Min kära vän, och numera fellow STEX-partner i Afgahnistan, Astrid (Hon med det båset ni trodde tillhörde en pojke ni ville gifta er med)skickade mig en ytterst underhållande länk.
Läs alla sidor i denna artikel, och ja.. förundras över kvinnosynen i det där landet i väst.
Jag känner mig faktiskt glad över att jag har rätten att få "slåss på marken", om jag av skulle känna för det.
Idag gillar jag sverige för andra anledningar än att man får visa intima kroppsdelar i tv utan ett de censureras. (kommer du ihåg de tiderna Moussie?)
Läs alla sidor i denna artikel, och ja.. förundras över kvinnosynen i det där landet i väst.
Jag känner mig faktiskt glad över att jag har rätten att få "slåss på marken", om jag av skulle känna för det.
Idag gillar jag sverige för andra anledningar än att man får visa intima kroppsdelar i tv utan ett de censureras. (kommer du ihåg de tiderna Moussie?)
This Week - Flexible Keyboard
This week there is no text to go with the video and it is not embedded. The reason for this is that to enjoy this video you need to head over the youtube and watch it without reading anything else on the page. Once you’ve watched this little commercial scroll down and read the one comment.
Simplistic entertainment bordering on stupidity.
This week there is no text to go with the video and it is not embedded. The reason for this is that to enjoy this video you need to head over the youtube and watch it without reading anything else on the page. Once you’ve watched this little commercial scroll down and read the one comment.
Simplistic entertainment bordering on stupidity.
My kin. My blood. My white trash family.
I don't see them very often. Once or twice a year, at most. They hold somewhat of a mythical position in my family. In so many senses. But this weekend, my white trash relatives were under some kind of murder threat and had to relocate, until social services could arrange a temporary housing. So, in lack of other acquaintances, they stayed at our house. And, for some reason, I felt the need to stay at our house too, even if I have my own place, nowadays. I couldn't miss this. Not for the world.
So there we were, the five of us, plus ten (10) extra people in the household. There were mullets, there were visible buttcracks, there were babies, there was teenage mother, there were cousins, there were strangers, there were cigarettes, there were large amounts of coca cola, there was uncommunicativeness, there were sisterly childhood issues and there were different notions of the importance of personal space.
At the same time, I tried working on my essay, reading Foucault, thinking about society, and normativity. Also, I read about the modern human being and its ability to reflect upon its own situation and place in the world.
White trash is not "the norm". Being white trash could thus function as a sort of resistance against the power of normativity. (And I can sense that resistance!) That ought to make white trash cool. Resistance of power is cool, no? However, at the same time, you're only truly white trash as long as you do not reflect too much on yourself or your situation. Or anything. This produces a relatively dull person, which couldn't really constitute as modern. And if you're not modern, you can't be cool. Or...?
Anyway, to sum up, I've decided not to convert to white trash. Not for now. But it's been a memorable weekend. I love my aunt but, damn it, she derides people, and me, I really try not to.
But I just did.
So there we were, the five of us, plus ten (10) extra people in the household. There were mullets, there were visible buttcracks, there were babies, there was teenage mother, there were cousins, there were strangers, there were cigarettes, there were large amounts of coca cola, there was uncommunicativeness, there were sisterly childhood issues and there were different notions of the importance of personal space.
At the same time, I tried working on my essay, reading Foucault, thinking about society, and normativity. Also, I read about the modern human being and its ability to reflect upon its own situation and place in the world.
White trash is not "the norm". Being white trash could thus function as a sort of resistance against the power of normativity. (And I can sense that resistance!) That ought to make white trash cool. Resistance of power is cool, no? However, at the same time, you're only truly white trash as long as you do not reflect too much on yourself or your situation. Or anything. This produces a relatively dull person, which couldn't really constitute as modern. And if you're not modern, you can't be cool. Or...?
Anyway, to sum up, I've decided not to convert to white trash. Not for now. But it's been a memorable weekend. I love my aunt but, damn it, she derides people, and me, I really try not to.
But I just did.
Mina damer, som ni säkert vet/hört talas om, har jag införskaffat lädershorts till oss alla. Jag betvivlar inte att vi kommer att vara utomordentligt vackra, men jag funderar nu på komplement till dessa.
Jag såg senast idag ett par toppar på Gina Tricot (var annars hittar man den smaklöshet som genomsyrar..oss?) som skulle passa oss som handen i pringles-röret!
Det var ett par vita t-shirts med halv om halvt påsydda små västar! Det var så gulligt att jag nästan fällde en tår. (överdrift, men ni förstår principen) Västarna var antingen svarta eller Oddball-dräkts-gröna. Om vi vill ha, vilken färg ska vi ha?
Pris: 149 kronor/styck.
Ja? Nej?
Om Ja, ange din Gina Tricot-storlek så införskaffar jag dessa himmelska kreationer. (Ja, jag kan lägga ut)
Jag såg senast idag ett par toppar på Gina Tricot (var annars hittar man den smaklöshet som genomsyrar..oss?) som skulle passa oss som handen i pringles-röret!
Det var ett par vita t-shirts med halv om halvt påsydda små västar! Det var så gulligt att jag nästan fällde en tår. (överdrift, men ni förstår principen) Västarna var antingen svarta eller Oddball-dräkts-gröna. Om vi vill ha, vilken färg ska vi ha?
Pris: 149 kronor/styck.
Ja? Nej?
Om Ja, ange din Gina Tricot-storlek så införskaffar jag dessa himmelska kreationer. (Ja, jag kan lägga ut)
A Little Poetry on a gloomy Wednesday
He is more than a hero
He is a god in my eyes —
the man who is allowed
to sit beside you — he
who listens intimately
to the sweet murmur of
your voice, the enticing
laughter that makes my own
heart beat fast. If I meet
you suddenly, I can’t
speak — my tongue is broken;
a thin flame runs under
my skin; seeing nothing,
hearing only my own ears
drumming, I drip with sweat;
trembling shakes my body
and I turn paler than
dry grass. At such times
death isn’t far from me.
Somehow it feels slightly wrong that I will forever associated Sappho with Kalat.
I wish to talk to you about a little something called "Hero-worship"
When you were a child it was all very simple and innocent. Now it is tainted by "adulthood" and the pressure of containing more complexity and sexual undertones. Yes I'm talking about Hero-Worship.
As a person having left puberty there does not seem to be any space left for the Hero-worship of those old childhood days. Now you are supposed to "Respect People" or have "Celebrity Crushes" which neither one is as fitting and rewarding as childhood Hero Worship.
Celebrity Crushes are laced with sexuality and sexual undertones forcing a primal and very bodily response from you. Respect comes with intelligence and is supposed to be based on logic and ideology.
Where is the Hero Worship? Why am I no longer allowed to fall down on my knees and exclaim "We're not worthy!" without having to logically or carnally be able to justify it?
The reason I have brought this up is because of the Hero Worship I at the moment am indulged in. There is nothing logical, sexual or complex about it. I simply worship Zoë Bell much the same way I did Bamse or MacGyver. They're just a little bit cooler than the rest of us and part of you kinda wish you could be just as cool yourself. It's a child's Hero-Worship in a post-puberty individual - surly there must be a shorter name for that definition!?
Damn She's Cool Man [Trailer for Double Dare]
As a person having left puberty there does not seem to be any space left for the Hero-worship of those old childhood days. Now you are supposed to "Respect People" or have "Celebrity Crushes" which neither one is as fitting and rewarding as childhood Hero Worship.
Celebrity Crushes are laced with sexuality and sexual undertones forcing a primal and very bodily response from you. Respect comes with intelligence and is supposed to be based on logic and ideology.
Where is the Hero Worship? Why am I no longer allowed to fall down on my knees and exclaim "We're not worthy!" without having to logically or carnally be able to justify it?
The reason I have brought this up is because of the Hero Worship I at the moment am indulged in. There is nothing logical, sexual or complex about it. I simply worship Zoë Bell much the same way I did Bamse or MacGyver. They're just a little bit cooler than the rest of us and part of you kinda wish you could be just as cool yourself. It's a child's Hero-Worship in a post-puberty individual - surly there must be a shorter name for that definition!?
Damn She's Cool Man [Trailer for Double Dare]
This Week on YouTube - Kansas...?
You could've given me a heads up and I would've been able to offer you YouTube paradise. Yeah, I could've done that. Basically. Someone could've just said "Mousse, sweetheart, this special Sunday is your Sunday, because everyone else has forgotten about YouTube Sunday." Hm? I know, it's sort of contradictory. But so is forgetting about YouTube Sunday! It's like forgetting about yesterday's candy day. Or Resurrection Day. Or Kristallnacht. Or M. Night Shyamalan.
You do not!
Perpetual my ass!
Well, my ass!
Anywhore. This is what you get for messing with Today:
[embedding disabled by request]
Kansas - Dust in The Wind
I was thinking that I am the lead singer. It ought to suit me well. And Ape is the one standing next to me with the hair. For some reason, I always picture her with that kind of hair, even when she's standing right in front of me. Dream land is my kingdom and I will name my children after my toes. I think Lolly's the blonde and tiny the deep one. Yup.
Also, I might've turned into a man hater in theory. But I think it's extremely temporary. I mean, women are just as loathsome. And I can't go around hating everyone. Been there. Not cool.
You do not!
Perpetual my ass!
Well, my ass!
Anywhore. This is what you get for messing with Today:
[embedding disabled by request]
Kansas - Dust in The Wind
I was thinking that I am the lead singer. It ought to suit me well. And Ape is the one standing next to me with the hair. For some reason, I always picture her with that kind of hair, even when she's standing right in front of me. Dream land is my kingdom and I will name my children after my toes. I think Lolly's the blonde and tiny the deep one. Yup.
Also, I might've turned into a man hater in theory. But I think it's extremely temporary. I mean, women are just as loathsome. And I can't go around hating everyone. Been there. Not cool.
This week on Youtube
I liked the concept, so I'm adopting it.
This little YouTube-moment is astounding. I sorta showed it to EPE before, but she liked it as well, and recycling is cool these days. (hedlines in Metro blurted it out)
This little YouTube-moment is astounding. I sorta showed it to EPE before, but she liked it as well, and recycling is cool these days. (hedlines in Metro blurted it out)
God and Dillchips
As I was sitting in the library on this dreary Monday trying to understand hagiography and their relationship to Christian Saints, my world all of a sudden was cast into light and on the page in front of me these words appeared.
Of course my first thoughts were of Mousse. How goes the oral sex and dillchips?
I am the LORD your God,
who brought you up out of Egypt.
Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.
Psalm 81:10
who brought you up out of Egypt.
Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.
Psalm 81:10
Of course my first thoughts were of Mousse. How goes the oral sex and dillchips?
How to & Information.
This Week - How to Fold a T-shirt.
Sometimes I do wonder about the state of our intelligence as a collective, not the Oddballs, but the human race. At times I can’t help wonder if we are not a lot smarter than previous generation, not because of any higher intelligence as such but because of the constant stream of information we are exposed to. To gain knowledge in today’s society is so much easier than it was only 10 years ago. Now with a few presses on the keyboard and a few clicks with the mouse and the world is one big oyster of endless information for you to devour.
Perhaps I should rephrase my original statement because it is not intelligence, but rather information we are supercharged with. I think of my great grandfather who not only taught himself to read and write, but also taught himself English. His struggle for information must have been greater than mine yet I in no way think that my intelligence is greater than his was.
At the same time I am fairly certain he never knew how to fold a t-shirt in 5 seconds, or what a wet willy entails or what the ingredients of a New York Egg Cream are. Now I can’t help wonder what will that information do for us? Is this the dawn of a new type of human civilization with another approach to information? Or is it just my own curiosity that drives me into finding these things out? Perhaps those of us that use the easy access to information are few and far between.
I don’t know, but I do know that the definitions of intelligence and information are redefining. Can information continue to be a source of power when the access to it is so simple? Will this threaten or strengthen our society?
Sometimes I do wonder about the state of our intelligence as a collective, not the Oddballs, but the human race. At times I can’t help wonder if we are not a lot smarter than previous generation, not because of any higher intelligence as such but because of the constant stream of information we are exposed to. To gain knowledge in today’s society is so much easier than it was only 10 years ago. Now with a few presses on the keyboard and a few clicks with the mouse and the world is one big oyster of endless information for you to devour.
Perhaps I should rephrase my original statement because it is not intelligence, but rather information we are supercharged with. I think of my great grandfather who not only taught himself to read and write, but also taught himself English. His struggle for information must have been greater than mine yet I in no way think that my intelligence is greater than his was.
At the same time I am fairly certain he never knew how to fold a t-shirt in 5 seconds, or what a wet willy entails or what the ingredients of a New York Egg Cream are. Now I can’t help wonder what will that information do for us? Is this the dawn of a new type of human civilization with another approach to information? Or is it just my own curiosity that drives me into finding these things out? Perhaps those of us that use the easy access to information are few and far between.
I don’t know, but I do know that the definitions of intelligence and information are redefining. Can information continue to be a source of power when the access to it is so simple? Will this threaten or strengthen our society?
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