
I wish to talk to you about a little something called "Hero-worship"

When you were a child it was all very simple and innocent. Now it is tainted by "adulthood" and the pressure of containing more complexity and sexual undertones. Yes I'm talking about Hero-Worship.

As a person having left puberty there does not seem to be any space left for the Hero-worship of those old childhood days. Now you are supposed to "Respect People" or have "Celebrity Crushes" which neither one is as fitting and rewarding as childhood Hero Worship.

Celebrity Crushes are laced with sexuality and sexual undertones forcing a primal and very bodily response from you. Respect comes with intelligence and is supposed to be based on logic and ideology.

Where is the Hero Worship? Why am I no longer allowed to fall down on my knees and exclaim "We're not worthy!" without having to logically or carnally be able to justify it?

The reason I have brought this up is because of the Hero Worship I at the moment am indulged in. There is nothing logical, sexual or complex about it. I simply worship Zoë Bell much the same way I did Bamse or MacGyver. They're just a little bit cooler than the rest of us and part of you kinda wish you could be just as cool yourself. It's a child's Hero-Worship in a post-puberty individual - surly there must be a shorter name for that definition!?

Damn She's Cool Man [Trailer for Double Dare]


Mousse said...

I don't think I can help you.

For me, logic is not something external. Nor is ideology. They're both part of the whole package. And part of the package is pure carnal. Pure passion. The HERO PACKAGE. Why did I have to use the word package?

However, I'm loving the thought of being able to "carnally justify" something. Seriously, we should strive for that more often.

Mousse said...

Wait a minute! Are you saying that there is absolutely nothing sexual about your admiration of Zoë Bell?

Ape said...

As strange as it might sound, yes. Attraction works in mysterious ways, but there is nothing sexual in my admiration. She's just too cool to be dragged down to such simple levels.

Okay Hero might not be the right word, but I want to find the name of that type of admiration you had as a child when it was all innocent, simple and non-sexual. Will you make that word up for me?

Mousse said...

Such simple levels? Can something so powerful be called simple? Ok, maybe.

I don't even know if I can fully remember that kind of infantile Hero worship. I know it was there, and it was so natural. Now, if I sense something remotely similar, I think I willingly categorize it into that passion/lust/respect kinda worship, before I even acknowledge a difference. In that respect, it no longer exists. I couldn't accept the old-school hero concept, even if I wanted to. The feeling is there, but it's unmistakably and forever intermingled with my new [mature] perception of things. Of me. Damn puberty.

But in any case, for me, the ability to worship has become stronger. The feeling more intense, and somehow easier to mold into euphoria. So in the end, I think I won.

And I haven't even found Jesus yet!