
Everything happens precisely as it should.

I was considering making this weeks youtube a video containing a man in a studded belt and a black g-string. I decided against it in order to post a post with some quasi-philosophical content.

As I was looking at tiny's boobs and contemplated life in general the sweet strands of "Non, je ne regrette rien" began to flow through my mind.

There are two types of no regret.

First of all we have the type of regret for actions done or left undone. It is pointless to regret what we have done because it can never be undone. Regret for things left undone however will leave us bitter and broken, therefore it is best to always take the chance. No matter how stupid or insane an action might seem. Act rather than stay passive and be forced into reacting.

The second type of no regret is the type we Oddballs spend our time trying to perfect. A bohemian version of punk. Visions of Änglagård invades my mind, not just because of the Edith Piaf association (Richard Wolff) but also because of the protagonists outsidership. Fuck Fanny, she was a wimp, but Zac on the other hand. Yeah, Zac had that oomph. We will never be cool and we will never fit in, but we will be our own odd selves and we will have no regrets. As I look back at our little gettogethers and trips I'd say we are doing mighty fine with having no regrets. Hence the random boobs, weird outfits and picnics in cemeteries.

Regrets are not for us.


Lolita said...

I want to marry you and have your babies.

Mousse said...

Your post! Like a kiss of menthol on a nettle sting.

Soothing. And reassuring.

As to Lolly, she told ME she wouldn't do the baby-thingie. God, I hate when tings get personal.

tiny said...

i loved it, but i have (borderline) anxiety-attacks about those boob-pictures. they are not in safe hands!

met your dad. he was very nice and proud. i felt awkward. my dad married someone a decade older than me and on the way home again me and my sister crashed the car. and don't say it was karma! i was nothing but nice the entire wedding!

Ape said...


You never call, you never write. My own dad gets more of you than I do. All I get are boob pics, not that there's anything wrong with them, but I'd prefer some more of the rest of you.

Mousse said...

You crashed the car!?

Am I wrong or did that already happen once before?

Were you hurt?

We need to talk. Sometime when I'm not this tired.

tiny, have I ever told you you're an interesting person? I've always thought that.

Then again, I only ever seem to befriend interesting people. Gracious God, it's a fucking blessing!

tiny said...

nooo, you've never said that! i think it's the fatigue talking. we rode the bus home (from the car crash) and i think we saw the store where you work! it looked... not so cool.

does that fit the description of your store?

in either case, i agree that you're blessed. i mean, YOU'VE never been in a car accident´, have you?

Mousse said...

It isn't very cool at all, the store, but I doubt that was the one you saw. You see, it's situated at the end of the world, and thirty meters away from the sea.

I am glad you survived. It would be a great loss, your death. Even an injury would trouble me much.