I was going to devote this post to Palin, politics, humor, and our askew notion of the woman. I was going to elaborate on why the people who support Palin respect and appreciate her for the very same reasons she is being ridiculed by others and how that in the end is two sides of the same coin because she is a woman. My conclusion was going to be that we're all going to burn in hell. It all sounds very simple and stupid now. However, by the time I had finished my home exam (in pedagogy) my creativity was gone and my brain capacity back to normal, as usual. So this post is going to be no more than a simple and stupid link share of old and new music that I've found consoling this past week.
But first, a couple of words from McRae, to sum up my nonexistent Palin discussion:
and we smell so very clean
but we're the oil in this machine
and this machine
this machine is going wrong
Vampire Weekend – Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa and M79
M.I.A – Paper Planes (did Vampire Weekend steal part of this intro for their Mansard Roof? Or am I thinking of some other song?)
Patrick Watson – The Storm (Nice vid, no?)