

So we're not the only ones who go around pondering breast milk. PETA (hippies!) are encouraging Ben & Jerry's to start using human milk instead of the cow stuff.

We had the discussion over on one of the forums I'm on and everyone kept saying "Ew" and/or "Gross", but I don't see it. I mean why not? Wouldn't you eat ice-cream made from human milk? I mean what's so strange about it really?

I'd be a bit weary of milk straight from the breast, but processed and cooled in ice-cream I really can't see why not.

Tell me I'm not the only one. Tell me we can share a breast milk cone you and I.

The Article.


Mousse said...

I'm fine with it. Really. As long as the "donors" are kept in one place, on a strict diet of cereal and salad and water. I also want them to be free from dieseases and medications. I don't want them to have extraordinary names either. Rosa. I want them all named Rosa. Or Twinkles. And they mustn't be a day over 36.

Ape said...

You are the milk expert among us so I will adhere to your expertise and adopt your rules as mine.

Mousse said...

Speaking of, if these plans are realized, my dad is likely to be out of work and our fields overgrown. Horror!


WE keep the donors in the farm! It's got a magnificent ceiling height and savory pickled grass coming in on a conveyor belt. Rosas and Twinkles of the world, impregnate and unite!

Ape said...

You know, I actually know both a Rosa and a twinkle...

Just saying.

tiny said...

are you twinkle? cus that'd be really convenient.

Ape said...

No, and that's not convenient, that's just wishful thinking.

Mousse said...

Twinkle, I will milk you until you dry up like a bottle of fine tequila.

Unless your tongue is blue. Then the deal is over. OVER!