
Great Escape

I'm weak, I'm tired, I'm running out of port and I'm starting to find the dull faces on the back of my books sexually attractive.

Solution: I'm going to travel 1000 kilometers by train. And back again.

This journey will cleanse my mind and refresh my senses.

This is how it's going to sound and look like in my head, traveling, for a total of two thousand brain-draining kilometers:

URL: Legend, Unicorn

And sometimes, like this:

URL: Patrick Watson - The Great Escape

And sort of like this, too.


Lolita said...

Man mår aldrig bättre av att titta på soldater i Arvidsjaur...

Mousse said...

Jo, det var underbart. Alldeles underbart.

Men nu är jag hemma i verkligheten igen. Mm.