
Words from my heeeaaart (it's a soft one, it's a lost case)

I dance my way to the bathroom to get my daily double dose of antihistamine. Well there, my ever-leaping body drops the tiny pill in the sink and I immediately get pictures in my mind from Trainspotting, where the protagonist digs through a toilet filled with faeces and vomit to get back his involuntarily pooped capsule of… I don’t know. Amphetamine, perhaps. I look at my recaptured pill. This one looks poop-free. I gulp it down together with some water, spray stuff in my nose and dance my way back to the couch. It’s going to be a good day today.

[behold: important super-potent mega-message]

The purpose of this post, my dears, is that I want to tell you (and myself) that I am now officially going into study mode. It will last until the end of this month. I don’t know exactly what it will entail. I don’t necessarily want to know. I know that I will have to come up with, type down and properly arrange an amount of ten thousand words in less than twenty days. It’s not too much, and it’s not a little. This phase, this study mode of mine, might mean that my internet time will be reduced. It might also, judging from earlier study mode experiences, mean an improved online presence, however desperate and anguish-smitten. I know that you never really expect anything from me. But this time it’s a double-tie kinda thing. I want you to expect very little. And very much. And nothing.

[end of ISPM-message]

And it turned out a great day! On my way home from an awesome school day I pondered upon what has tormented me the last couple of days. Namely, what kind of booze can replace whiskey? As in, what can I drink in small amounts every day, that improves my essay-writing, doesn’t blur my mind, has about the same potency as whisky, but is drinkable by me? WELL, as I searched Systemet five minutes later for a suitable strong drink it suddenly hit me. It has to be sherry! I know it’s about half as strong as whisky. But that’s a minor problem. I can drink twice the amount and it will cost about the same. I found the coolest bottle with a crazy sherry-madame named Alicia on it. I sort of loved it. Then, at an arm’s length away, I saw port wine. And from what I recall, port is the shit. It’s from Portugal! Very attractive bottle, too. See picture. I decided that sherry is too sweet and went for the port. What would you have done?


Ape said...

I like the concept of Port, even though I don't like the drink itself.

Though I honestly don't understand how you can get work done with alcohol involved. That's wrong somehow.

Then again I survived my study period through Omega 3 capsules and cheap bisquits, so I guess I shouldn't be throwing bricks.

Good luck.

Mousse said...

Port is a fine-tasting drink. But it didn't help me get any work done. I felt very much at ease, started listening to loud music and tap in the air with my fingers, as if I had small, invisible drums hanging in front of me.

But it's this or great amounts of candy. And candy tires me.

Anonymous said...

Great work.