
Bara bröst och bak.

My head is filled with Christianity and Saints in particular. So obviously my mind strayed from the pack of simple revision and I had to put things into an Oddball perspective. I started thinking about our shrines, relics and patron saints. We have quite a few don't we?

Taking up where Mousse left off a few weeks ago, on ODB. I'm actually proposing we make her another new patron saint. She's got lesbian undertones, smash people down in the ring, frequently grab her or other peoples' boobs and drink heavily from her "fickplunta" (I'm pretending she's drinking port) . I think she's a little bit of each and every one of us. The faggot, the maggot, the boob and the spoon.

What say yee? I mean she might not be no Tim Curry and she might not even be my favourite wrestler, but damnit that woman has something we have. I feel it would be appropriate we made her into a "patron saint" or at least honorary Oddball. Once again I ask, what say yee?


Mousse said...

Lesbian undertones, you bet! I can't even remember what we used to be, before L.U.

ODB for patron saint? Aye, say I! And if someone has to go, it's Johnny Depp. He hasn't given me any shivers at all lately. He's dead meat, he is. He is as good as frickin Patrick Dempsey for me right now.


Too harsh?

Mousse said...

ODB for Honorary Oddball is a less good idea. She looks like an eater. I would feel threatened. In so many ways.

Lolita said...

Johnny har rakat sig.
Han är hetare än på länge.
Jag tycker du ska sitta inlåst i ditt studentrum och dricka port, hålla käft och göra det du ska istället.

Mousse said...

Rakat sig? Så man ser åldersrynkorna...?

Woohoo! He's in again!

Anonymous said...


Jag gillar inte wrestling.
Har jag märkt.

Mousse said...

Men du gillar ODB, ja...?

Anonymous said...

Har jag märkt.