
Jesus "loves" me.

I got a brand new old bike. It’s blue and charming with silvery details. Got it for free from the Jansson’s, I did. They’re good people, thoroughly reliable. If they would run for mandates in the EU, they would definitely get my vote.

I’m thinking of repainting their house, to surprise them, as a thank you. Maybe fuchsia. Maybe not the whole house, as I have neither the time nor the money. Their front door perhaps. Maybe I’ll just decorate the door with stickers. Various unique stickers. And not like that old Subaru we bought years ago that was covered with Jesus-loves-you-stickers, exclusively. No, I would offer mixed messages. On the Jansson door. IF I had the time.

1 comment:

Ape said...

Perhaps that's what the Jansson's need, spicen up this suburban slumber we live in. Fuchsia is quite the bold statement, so are Jesus stickers.