
"because they are dyke-shoes!"

After recent revelation it has become clear that Mousse is the lesbian/straight woman version of, to use a colloquial term, a fag hag. Like a moth to a flame she is drawn to lesbians, sucking up their culture like it was sweet sweet nectar. Therefore I have decided to make it my life's passion to sneak as many lesbians into her life as humanly possibly. It's a covert operation (she just happens to know of). I want and need your help in this. Together we can make the unintentional intentional and laugh until we cry as she once again discovers another of her favourites is a female homosexual.

Now lets start by playing a little game. Three of these women have something in common, one does not share that common link. Guess who and what.

From top to bottom;
Lily Tomlin, Jennifer Beals, Victoria Svensson, Jodie Foster.


Ape said...

Sweet sweet nectar and you are the honey bee.

Yes she is. And of course you do.

Mousse said...

Who's Lily Tomlin and Jennifer Beals? I know I probably come off as ignorant. But I very often do, so that's not a problem.

But more importantly, who's the gayest?