
Alive 17/5

once again i've shirked my responsibilies. if it makes you feel better, i can tell you i feel horrible about it.

but this week isn't about me. i would like to officially welcome Lolly back into the fold. (i hope that's okay; me being the official spokesperson here.) i would love to hear what all my friends have been up to, but a comment from You would make me very happy.

and i'm not too proud to beg. see...



Mousse said...

Until then, everybody can just sit down, shut up and listen to what I'VE been doing lately.

I made my friends sit through two rounds of me playing solitaire. That's what I've been doing.

And I wish you were here now, so could watch me play with myself, again.

It's been a truly wonderful weekend.

Oh, and let me add, my corridor mates (several) asked about the "giant party" I threw friday night. "Was it perhaps someone's birthday...?" "No", I said, "I was supposed to have had a party, what you heard was three people making up for that lost party."

tiny said...

yeah, this is pretty anti-klimax.

it's the last time i say please, i can tell you that right now!

LOVED your party, though. tell me more!