
Dear fantastic Miss Lindsay Lohan,

I hereby invite you to Sweden. You can stay in my room, I have a large bed. I’ll even let you borrow my clothes. They will be viking-oversized but it will only make you look cute. Like a puppy. I wouldn’t force you to actually experience Sweden. It’s cold and dark and hostile this time of the year. We could stay in all day, in our PJs, and eat ice cream. I could get you Ben&Jerry’s ice cream. Or Häagen Dazs. We have those brands in Sweden, even though they’re American. It’s expensive, but I would totally buy it for you. I don’t even like ice cream that much these days, but I would eat some if you would want me to. I might even be lactose intolerant. But for you, Lindsay Lohan, I’d go anywhere.

Please contact me via this blog if you are interested. I know you are busy, and I will not hold it against you if you choose not to accept my invitation. But you should know it’s a lifelong kind of invite. So… Yeah. Just don’t say no too swiftly, ok?

Yours forever


Ape said...

She would make an excellent addition to our "jupyssel".

I fully support this invite. Just never leave me alone with her, she's a little bit frightening. Like Boys of Brazil.

Frida said...

När hon kommer. Kan du inte fråga varför hon inte gör några nya filmer. Visst mean girls och freaky friday är kul, men inte 20 gången man ser dem. Ett liv utan nya Lindsay filmer är ett halvt liv.

Anonymous said...

Hehe, du borde börja äta Prozac.

Mousse said...

Lindsay Loooohan!

Suveränt! Du har lärt dig mitt språk! Åh, komplexa, besynnerliga, vilda Lindsay Lohan!

Men varför pratar du med frig? Hon lyssnar ändå aldrig på goda råd.

Lindsay Lohan. Säg när!