
My dear friend blog. (This Week on YouTube)

With an amount of 25 posts, this has been our most productive blog month ever.

Trust me, I tried to find a synonym for productive, as it is such a loaded word. It's industrialism, rationalism and neoliberalism and everything else that has no official place in this blog. But I found nothing comparable. Such a complex word with such an unquestionable place in our world.

Anywho, now let's do what common people do, and celebrate our productivity.


tiny said...

what a strangely dignified and appropriate way to end the most eventful month of blogging since... ever.

huh. i don't know how to feel.

Mousse said...

Don't think! Just go with the flow and enjoy the greatest youtube clip since... quite a while.

Or watch the kickass original (Thank you FL w friend):


tiny said...

det låter som en bra idé, speciellt med tanke på hur dåligt det går för mig att tänka nuförtiden.

är det ens ett ord? *sigh*