
mind messing matter

Tonight, as I stood staring out my window, I thought I saw a group of zombies.
You know that feeling, where you see something, and you know it isn't true, but at the same time, you can still feel a fragment of the pitch black fear that the thing you think you see but really don't most probably would evoke if it was real.
People walk funny when it's snowy and slippery out. And they don't keep to the sidewalks. They fall! And they laugh eerily and apparently they come in packs late at night. And isn't it generally a little too quiet?
That's what snow does.
I'm holding out for thaw.

1 comment:

Ape said...

It happens, a lot. Your imagination just gets the upper hand and all of a sudden reality becomes very fragile.

However I like the snow. The sound walking on snow makes gives me pleasant chills and I love how every sound is amplified while feeling less severe.