
Raw Transition

Last year felt strangely nostalgic. It felt like one of those in-between type of years. Sure I graduated, sure there was loads of way fun stuff happening, but all of them were somehow painted in muted colours of sentimental nostalgia.

This year however feels raw. It feels like this is the year new stuff will happen. Not all of them pleasant, but more...raw.

It's strange that the word of this new year is "förpuppad" (cocooned) when in reality I think this will be the year of birth. I've got a feeling this will be the year when we, I, leave the cocoon. It might be a little painful and it might get a bit messy, but that's part of the roller-coaster. Nostalgia has sustained me, but I am now ready to try life as a larvae.

Looking out across the new year expanding in front of me all I can think of is transition.


Mousse said...


I mean wait. I really like all the words, and the seemingly strong feelings behind them, but the power of them makes me worried. This rawness, does it mean we have to follow? Because I only love change in theory. And tiny, the very coiner of cocooned, will certainly not approve of such a hasty collective rejection of the cocooning. And Lolly shows no need to express herself in a new, raw way. Or I don't know, she hasn't expressed herself. See, the cocoon is protecting her as well.

And say that you change, and we don't, what will be left of us?

tiny said...

loved the post, have an overwhelming feeling cocooned will be my mantra this year though.

i am seemingly incapable of changing for the better. but not in a bitter way, just an accepting-myself kinda way.