
three hundred posts and babbling

Serves me right. I diss psychology and it disses me right back. It’s a proper butt fuck. I failed! A whole test! For the first time in my life! It feels strangely releasing. I think, if someone would really piss me off now, I might be able to kill that person. Because I have failed in school I am now half-way to becoming a juvenile delinquent. Or wait, am I too old? Because if that is the case, it would mean I’d just embody the pathetic student who can’t deal with problems maturely. And that, dear Oddballs, would be the opposite of “Newsflash!”.

Where am I going with this? First, let me present to you my conclusion, however superfluous: Just because you hate something (psychology) doesn’t mean you don’t think the knowledge isn’t worth anything. To many nots? I do not disagree. Anyway, stay with me! I’ve been watching the first three episodes of Whedon’s Dollhouse that Ape gave me. And I have got to say, I was a little disappointed. Maybe Eliza Dushku isn’t the right person for the job. She is also the producer. Weird, no? I like her, and she is a good actor. But in this context, she’s not doing it for me. The first episode was ok, like, I think I might be liking this, give me more! The second one was good. The action! The beginning to crackle of the Echo! And then there’s episode three and I am on occasion downright bored. What is this? I had not expected this series to be so excruciatingly mainstream. Everything about it breathes déjà-vu, and not the eerie concept kind but the been there done that kind of DV. If it had just breathed a little more Whedon. This only breathes pleasing the masses and gaining little or no nerd-respect. But mark well, I have not yet given up on Dollhouse.

To move on, I was now supposed to elaborate on why I think psychology is made interesting when watching Dollhouse. Like how they approach the concept of personality and its psychological, biological and cultural components. Or how they don’t. I don’t know, I suddenly lost my inspiration. And I have also reached a higher, much better level of my previous conclusion. So basically, I’m just going to drop the part where I argue for my cause and skip ahead to my final and possibly incomprehensible words:

Just because you are disappointed with something (psychology, Dollhouse) doesn’t mean you don’t think it isn’t worth… Nothing? Funny, I’ve always pictured myself master of negations. Turns out I’m not. But then again, I never pictured myself failing a test.

I go now…?


tiny said...

but at least your posts are as good as/better than ever! it's just the hair-dye, you'll be ok!

today i showed up an hour late for my exam. it was embarrassing.

tiny said...

but at least your posts are as good as/better than ever! it's just the hair-dye, you'll be ok!

today i showed up an hour late for my exam. it was embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Sweet sweet misery!

Mousse said...

An hour? If we don't show within thirty minutes we're not allowed to do the exam. Is that what happened to you?

You're a sweetheart, in any case. And my hair, oh my god, I'm beginning to discern an outgrowth! It's all highly fascinating.