
And her manners proved pleasing.

- Do I look fat in this?
- God no, that’s just… how the dress looks. And it looks amazing!
- Do you really mean that?
- Yeah, you’re looking good! *thumbs up*

What the fuck can I say. I hate having to convince unknown women outside fitting rooms that they look good. I have no problems zipping them up, however tricky the little zipper happens to be. I would never run down the helpful muscles. But when she comes rushing out of her cabin for the second time, now asking me how she looks, and I find myself convincing her that “you don’t look fat at all” I am slightly disgusted with myself. And as I later, for the grand finale, drop the overly encouraging line “Buy, buy, buy!” and get a smile from a nearby shop assistant, I know I deserve poison in my food.

Don't think I didn't know I was a capitalistic and girly product. It's just that I thought that maybe I had reached the point where I know when not to flaunt it.

My only capitalistic and girly comfort now is that she did look great in her dress and that she got it for a damn good price.


Anonymous said...

Du är barn av den kapitalistiska och materialistiska tiden. Bättre att godkänna och konsumera än att avstå.

Mousse said...

Jo, men vafan, jag behöver ju inte gå runt och upprätthålla fåniga könsroller för det.


Anonymous said...

Ha! jo, det kan du inte stå emot!

Mousse said...

Nej, jag... kan visst inte det.

Jag ska återuppta mitt postordershoppande istället.