
Today we do not rape

...we rumble. Because that's what she would want.

Happy Birthday Ape

I was trying to find something original and/or mind-evoking for you. I failed. So I’m just going to go the opposite direction and present you this song by a band tiny found two years ago and that we stood on the brink of falling in love with. Then we swiftly realized that it was sort of a one-hit wonder EMO kind of band that we did not want to be associated with. So we dropped it, and never spoke of it again. Luckily, we had the Dresden Dolls to fall back on so there was no real pain involved. And no actual falling at all. Anyway, this isn’t about me and tiny. Today it’s about you. And all I want to say is that you are no one hit wonder emo kinda deal.

You are lasting and lovable.

And more importantly, I hope this was nice enough for me to get away with treating you like a dirty slave at New Year's.


Ape said...

The King of Rock'n'Roll the submissive slave of Mozart...yeah it could work. And it will work.

We can pretend your wig is a fur.

Alas, my heart is all warm and fuzzy at the mere thought.

Mousse said...

Gawsh, that is one mind-evoking image you're giving me.

I know, mind-evoking isn't even a logical word. But you get me, ja?

Maybe lust-evoking is more proper.

I wish I had a wig.