
Wanna know how I got these scars?

I have just been informed of the existence of smile-activated shutters on digital cameras. Cameras that, on demand, won't take the picture until the object smiles.

Tell me, is this common knowledge?

I don't know what to make of it. Of course, I love when people smile. I love happiness. I love taking pictures. And I, like tiny, love portraits.

What I don't love is this orthodox assumption that a portrait with a smile naturally is more sought-after than one without a smile. I, and I believe many with me, have always felt more or less anguished every time someone asks me to smile for a camera. Or asked to smile, no matter why. To then design a machine that refuses to accept me unless I alter my face into a predetermined shape is like spitting in my face. And that certainly won't make me smile.

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