Oddball is the state of mind where nothing is really wrong. Compare it if you wish to Zen, it’s a complete relaxed state where ideas and thoughts are let to roam freely. It’s about the power of a group of twisted individuals' minds. Can you live in a society without being a part of it?
Stay updated on this post-post-modern social and psychological experiment in outsidership.
Jag tjuvlyssnade på denna ensidiga konversation på jobbet häromdan.
Anonym Sjuksyster:Han ollar den hela tiden! Och det blir ju alltid så jobbigt då.
Tog mig en bra stund innan jag förstått att jag tjuvlyssnat fel och att Doktorn inte alls ollade maskinen, utan nollade den. Men det var mycket underhållande medans det varade.
Som alla andra snöiga dagar då man helst vill stanna inne och inte ha några byxor på sig.
Idag har jag frenetiskt imdb-at och kommit fram till att:
Det är samma skådespelare som spelar Prästen i Emil i Lönneberga och Tengil i Bröderna Lejonhjärta!
Den (typ) bäst filmatiserade (om inte Birk hade spelat över så frenetiskt) Astrid Lindgren-sagan är regisserad av Tage Danielsson.
Mio min Mio är en internationell (med stor rysk influens) produktion med Christian Bale, Christopher Lee och Timothy Bottoms. Dock heter den " The Land of Faraway". Jag måste ha varit alltför ung för att förstå att den var dubbad.
Det är synd och skam att man inte kan få tag på "Jim och Piraterna Blom" på dvd. Eller få tag på den alls. Faktiskt
This blog is dangerously close to being put on ice. A highly defrostable ice-state. But ice, nonetheless. We will hold it wide open during the “put your year in pictures-project” but come January and we’re still experiencing blog post desert this blog will be put on hold. Outspoken abstinence might encourage creativity. In any case, it will be an experiment worth trying.
Until that day, I will keep on living my life as I know it. Lately, I can’t seem to walk anywhere without imagining myself falling. Everything I walk by that looks stumble-worthy; a sidewalk; a rock; a small child, I picture myself tripping over, falling headlong, dropping everything I hold in my hands, leaving my body spread out on the street as an animal shot. People stare and I usually hurt myself badly. By the time I reach the imaginary hospital, I have since long passed the initial obstacle on my way to wherever. And in between, I imagine walking into signs, and tree branches, only to destroy my eyes by ripping out the cornea. My dad, who earlier this year underwent eye surgery, claims that the cornea is one of the most pain sensitive areas on your body.
Other than that, I spend hours each day reading about sexual violence, mostly in the form of rape. Rape in woods, rape at home, rape in history, rape today and rape as an instrument of war. Some days, I take lonely walks in the dark. Funny thing is, I never do my mental falls when it’s dark, which is more or less obvious, since all the obstacles are hidden in darkness and I am busy contemplating sexual abuse.
We like pictures. Shiny pictures! Do you like pictures?
The year of "förpuppning" is coming to an end, and we like sums. Sometimes it is even fun to summarise. Therefore lets each provide a mathematical term to describe the past 12 months of our joint, or not joint life. Or we could just describe our year in a series of 12 more or less pointless, arrogant or plainly plain pictures.
Pressure, but good pressure, like in a steamy jacuzzi with glistening and tanned and flexing and pumping and....yeah, nevermind. In reality this is just a mindless attempt to fit a few more posts into the 2009 archive of this blog. If you feel like this is a worthy cause then upload your 12 pictures describing the past year and lets all look at them and laugh ourselves silly while we engage in a brilliant example of virtual exhibitionism.
- You haven’t talked on Facebook lately, sen Her a message!
- Reconnect with Her!
- Write on Her wall!
- Send Her a message!
- Help make Facebook better for Her.
- Poke Her!
For what feels like several weeks now, Facebook has been placing a small picture of tiny in the right column of the home page. Never anyone else. The picture shows tiny looking at me from below, somewhat hunchback-like, and Facebook continously attaches subtle messages to her picture. The words change from time to time, but the original message still remains. tiny doesn’t fit into the Facebook Dream. For that I love Her.
Nästa vecka har vi en pysselkväll! Den går i bröstens tecken. Mycket bröst eller helt enkelt synlig bh (alternativet är att klä oss i rosa, vilket är B).
Menyn består av: Krustader med gräddfil + liten bröstvårteliknande klick röd rom Potatishalvor placerade med snittytan nedåt. Kycklingbröst Rosa sås Rosa glass i div bröstform till efterrätt, och baknig av bröstkakor kommer att ske fortlöpande under kvällen.
För att slappna av spelar vi däremellan tutt-memo, diskuterar bröstens anatomi samt (kvällens höjdpunkt) övar på att snurra våra Nipple Tassels!
After a hard day’s work in school, I find it highly rewarding listening to this song. Because, contrary to facts, it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. Bryan Ferry might not be the prettiest puppy in the petshop, but his voice IS smoother than sunshine. And since the sun’s been hiding its ass for over a week now, Roxy Music is my substitute.
On a darker note, Halloween’s coming up and I might’ve promised hosting some kind of black-spandex-red-lips party. Somehow, I find that thought highly depressing right now. But that’s probably just my heavy workload talking. Can anyone be so kind as to inform me of the cancelability of that specific event?
And finally, tiny, remember that time when we were at that awfully trendy club somewhere close to Champs Elysées and that horrible guard insinuated that my awesome dress was too coat-y, simply by asking if it was a coat and if so advised me to hand it in to the wardrobe? And I was like Man, me and my dress are are as coat-y as this place is ghey! Of course I didn’t say that. What does that even mean? No. Instead, I felt strangely exposed, almost naked, when naturally, I should‘ve felt the opposite. But - and here’s my point - apparently this kind of conformist shit happens to other people as well. And I swear, I didn't even wear turtleneck that specific night.
Kungen är ute och jagar älg igen. Detta meddelade Rapport i ett reportage i gårdagens sändning:
[bild på en man i skogen klädd i grönt som röker en cigarr]
Och i gränstrakterna mellan Dalarna och Västmanland har kungen tillsammans med direktörer, grevar, friherrar och politiker jagat älg de senaste två dagarna, och vår monark gick inte lottlös
[bild på en man som lyfter huvudet på en död älg genom att dra den i örat]
- nä ja sköt en liten pinn en pinn-pinn-tjur, en ko, kalv och en pinn-pinn, pinn-tjur, som man säger.
As I think we are all familiarising ourselves with the lovely (or not so lovely) world of Harlequin, I thought it was about time we had a post on it. Or basically I got a little bit bored and googled Harlequin, and quickly found myself on eHarlequin.com.
While enjoying myself immensely as I browsed the site (and found free downloadable copies of their books! - and yes I am totally thinking about downloading the one about fatherhood and twins) I also found my new favourite category of books, Superromance. I kid you not, there is such a genre. It does not include supermen or mutants, but is simply a kind of romance so super it deserves it's own genre. Or to quote the site itself;
"Romance has never felt more real than in our Harlequin Superromance series! More than a romantic relationship, it's mainstream romance with the promise of happy ever after!"
Is it just me or does this description sound incredibly aggressive? Oppressive almost. All those exclamation points!
And seeing how they both cater to the African-American and Hispanic communities I say why not replace the Sheik with the predatory-Butch. As a matter of fact why not read through their extremely helpful writing guidelines and then get cracking.
Var det vi som undrade huruvida det enbart är kvinnor som släpps in på Ladies' Night? Hursomhelst är det tydligen någon därute, närmare bestämt en busschaufför, som också har funderat. I cirka åtta mil funderade han, för att slutligen ta ställning och agera.
Today’s important public announcement concerns our joint gmail account and it comes in three parts, 1) We still have one, 2) it’s still working and 3) Butters and Mariah Carey.
On a brighter note, we sent a fan mail to the people of 3way, the web series. Fortunately, we made it not at all sound like a death threat. Which is talented, coming from us.
This has been sort of a bad day. Why? My king-size, super nice glass frame lost its grip and fell and broke and now my wall looks nude. And if my home is wrecked (although mildly) my soul is too. I feel like throwing myself on the floor, in fetal position, and with my head as a center start spinning on the floor, kicking myself around with the help of my feet. Faster, and faster. In theory, it would look cool and give me much comfort. But I lack the muscles needed for such an exercise. Instead I read up on nationalism, and listen to The National. An unintended combination, I swear. But I have got to say, Benedict Anderson’s theory of the nation as an imagined community goes pretty well with The National’s “Fake Empire”. Once again, my unconscious genius outshines everybody’s shoeshine. But to what good? The below posted video is pretentious. It shares many features with the music video Stewie Griffin made to impress on Joe and Bonnie’s newborn. But as I am as drawn to pretentiousness as flies are to malnourished children I will not refrain from posting it. Because this is how I feel when something falls and breaks. In my home. A Monday afternoon.
Temat denna gång är vad de andra vill att vi ska vara. Du har alltså ingen egen bestämmanderätt över din egen utstyrsel! Intressant? Det är bara förnamnet!
Vad som är tänkt att diskuteras här är följaktligen vilka karaktärer vi önskar se varandra som. Mart är redan bestämd sedan länge, men resten? Shoot baby, shoot!
Plats: Moussies ShagPad 091003 Preliminär tid 18.15.
Kanske är det inte helt oväntat att det är i konserthuset det är konsert, men jag vill att ni verkligen ska förstå budskapet. Jag har ännu inte varit på något event i konserthuset. Inget alls faktiskt, jag har smugit in, åkt rulltrappa och kikat på utsikten. Gratis. Men det var då! Nu blåser den nya tidens vind! Jag tänker betala för en attraktion!
På fredag 25:e september 19.30 är det konsert med Ólafur Arnalds i UKK. (Uppsala Konsert och Kongress. Jag hoppas innerligt att det inte bara jag som tycker det låter som en separatistfalang i en sydamerikansk gerilla). Biljettpris 140 kr.
Sedan vill jag säga att jag förstår varför man kan bli utsatt för våldtäkt när man traskar längs en dåligt upplyst cykelväg i någon av Uppsalas mer perifera centraldelar. Det är inte så att jag var speciellt upphetsad, eller särskilt sugen på att hamna i brottslig konflikt med någon (det vill jag mycket sällan). Men känslan av oövervinnerlighet, tillsammans med övertygelsen om att jag skulle kunna våldta någon, den var påtaglig, när jag powerwalkade där i mörkret. Endorfiner från träning, mina vänner, gör underverk. Och andra saker.
När jag kom hem tände jag ett stearinljus och funderade kring fysisk aktivitet och elitism.
Vem tror du att du är? Vad är det för samhälle du bygger? I jantelagens Sverige skulle ingen jävel skylta med att man går till gymmet och älskar hårt med sig själv i en timme. Du skulle inte skryta över att lägga pengar på att stå och blotta dig i ett spegelrum fyllt med sadomasochistiska tillfredsställningsmaskiner. Du skulle dölja dina armars avsaknad av gäddhäng.
Okej att alla gör det, men gör det diskret. För i helvete.
If you haven't already seen this I most definitely suggest you have a look at it. A man named Jamie Livingston photo documented his life from 1979 to his death in 1997. Each day (with a few exceptions of missing photos) he took a polaroid picture immortalising his memories.
It truly is all kinds of awesome and inspiring, heart-warming and heartbreaking all at the same time. Photo of the Day
Jambo! as Lindsay Lohan’s character in Mean Girls so delicately puts it. I’m back from that continent that starts with an AAH and ends with FREAK OUT. It’s been two good months. But I also have good hopes for the future autumn. For no discernable reason.
Today L told me of a man who ingested funnyfunny mushrooms. The man then went out in the 'woods' and there he met something which he was certain was a bumby bear. However, the bumby bear eventually turned aggressive on the man and he had to lock it up in his wardrobe. He later realized the bumby bear in his closet was in fact a human being, and a dwarf, at that. That must’ve been weird.
Let’s say that I take mushrooms today. That will probably make me meet La Roux, in this video, but the soundtrack will be this song. I would be very happy. But then suddenly I would stab her to death with my brand new set of BBQ-knives. For no discernable reason. And then I would snap out of it and the dead body would turn out to be the dead body not of La Roux but of Amy Diamond. Phew! They sort of sound the same at times but are, of course, totally different. Anywho. Part of the world would rejoice but I would go to jail in any case. Which I think is only fair. One cannot go around killing people, however pointless their existence. I believe in some kind of basic human value. Yeah. But in jail I would get everybody’s dessert because - generally - prison people don’t like Amy Diamond. And then I would probably regret the mushrooms and write another letter to Lindsay Lohan, this time urgently asking for spiritual guidance.
Edit: I'm afraid I forgot to type down the main purpose of this post, which was: Ape, can you please please please get a La Roux haircut? I can even consider paying for having it done.
I don't even like marriages, and I can't dance, but there is something strangely endearing about this vid. I like how they just go with it, just let loose. It's horribly pretentious, but on some level it feels like they know it. Still they do it.
And is it horribly wrong to keep imagining this as Lolly's wedding? Glen dressed up in white and the odds supporting him as Lolly raises her arms and him above her head.
I've got this pressing urge to watch people interact. I'm not sure where it came from, but I am currently burning to regard people from a distance. To see their body language, see their lips move, but not being able to hear the actual words. I wanna sit and I wanna watch and I wanna imagine.
I feel like I want to become better at understanding people, somehow it feels as if people-watching would be the first step.
Monday perhaps. Now all I need to do is find a good place to watch people interact without my presence being a direct influence or interference.
Today I caught myself observing women and their behaviour. It was the kind of observation an anthropologist does of a foreign culture. It was the kind of observing that is done from an emotional distance. The outsider looking in. I was floating in a genderless state where I observed a group to which I did not count myself.
Then I accidentally poked myself in the boob with a broom and was completely and utterly shocked to realise I too am a woman.
The lesbians showed me love by featuring my blog, so now I shall return the love and feature the lesbians.
And to make this summer a little bit perfect the 3Way gang have now posted an actual "full" episode of Ladycops. It is so perfect and filled with meta and cross-geeking that you hardly know what to do with yourself, other than to smile widely.
So here we are, midsummer and I’m still alive. I’m not doing much though, I’m working, full-time. It’s a strange experience, but also strangely satisfying. Seeing how all you other guyses have kept me up to speed with what you are doing I thought I'd return the favour, this is my virtual postcard to you.
So far this summer has consisted of;
YouTube love: 21 and 24 Gear Up (as a matter of fact large parts of the summer has been spent recreating this scene on messenger) Angels (HD has never looked as good as it does in this brilliant manipulation) Dee Snider on censorship (this is what I strive to be) Hero. (Childhood)
When it comes to the discomfort I’m actually doing good. I’ve engaged in some anger, which is not a usual feeling for me to revel in and I’m doing far too well with the angry queer thing (to the extent that I found Ice Age 3 troubling). I am also about to spend a lot of money on pointless gadgets/t-shirts. However when it comes to clean, I am still going with the whole fresh theme so I guess I'm failing there.
All in all a very interesting summer so far. Stay tuned for part 2, it should be here some time mid-August.
Lolly says: jag hatar att jobba jag ska bli hemmafru Ape -- Co-Founder of LSE says: oj planer men döda inte nån och gräv inte ner hemligheter inte bra har jag sett på tv Lolly says: JAG ÄR INTE DESPERAT
I will go away today. I am going south and I will be back sometime in August. You will probably flourish while I’m gone. See the world in another light. Maybe it will seem brighter. Eventually, you might even think that I’ve been smothering you and you will begin to dread my return. But know this! No one sees you like I see you. People love you, no doubt. But I look at you and I see diamonds, I see clusters of stars brightly shining and I dare bask in the beauty of it. Cut me out and you are left a mere mortal; ignore me and you black out a part of yourself.
Miss me, as I shall miss you.
Finally, do not listen to people with split tongues. Their words are not exactly lies, but nor can they possibly speak the truth. And for God’s sake: floss, even though it’s summer. Libidoly speaking, tooth decay is a hundred times more destructive than a split tongue.
That is all.
No, wait, a donkeymentary. The "Mr Bush" featured in the clip once hired J to work as a chicken dealer and is currently a member of the parliament.
The sky is clear blue. The sun is bright. The warmth is heat.
And all I do is nap and read. I have no energy, no energy at all. I'm a lazy fat cat lapping up the sun. No work, no studying, no nothing. And the best thing, even my mind is a nothing. It is fucking brilliant.
I got a brand new old bike. It’s blue and charming with silvery details. Got it for free from the Jansson’s, I did. They’re good people, thoroughly reliable. If they would run for mandates in the EU, they would definitely get my vote.
I’m thinking of repainting their house, to surprise them, as a thank you. Maybe fuchsia. Maybe not the whole house, as I have neither the time nor the money. Their front door perhaps. Maybe I’ll just decorate the door with stickers. Various unique stickers. And not like that old Subaru we bought years ago that was covered with Jesus-loves-you-stickers, exclusively. No, I would offer mixed messages. On the Jansson door. IF I had the time.
I go around praising nature, but am really complimenting man’s domination of it. Flowery pasture fields, neat bushes along the road, planted trees and newly mowed lawns. I choose to see harmony before subordination, and I take pleasure in it. For that I feel cheap. Then I go around disliking people for what they are, while wondering whether it wouldn’t be better to pity us for what we can never be. For that I am confused. Then I go around dreaming of all the things I want to be, until I clash with the things I most likely will become, or already am.
Neat bushes along the road. And I still see harmony.
Every thought there possible is appears to already have been thunked. So why do we keep thinking? Why do we live our lives on repeat? And how come we ever even harboured notions of time being a linear concept?
Also I should start working on a tentative itinerary for my US trip. So what do you guys think I should visit? As long as a Greyhound Coach stops in the general vicinity I'm all aboard any suggestions. So hit me with one.
You know how kids with dyslexia get extra help in school, or how disabled kids get wheelchair access and stuff like that. Could I get a personal tutor and ass-into-gear-kicker?
Cause I really need one. Someone with enough authority to sit me down and make me do the work I am supposed to do. Like a study-buddy with a whip and no carrots.
I really, really need one. I'm poor, I've also got poor coordination and eyes-sight and I can't cook (not really) so I've got nothing to offer in return, but I still need an authoritative study-buddy once autumn comes around. So if you know anyone who take pity on fools and carries a whip, point them in my direction.
And while we wait for my saviour lets listen to Tobias Fünke's long lost twin sing;
So Lolly got home safely from war-zone, ignored the K-Mart, had a pizza and was taught how to play poker by Mousse. Ape tried to help instructing, but no one really heard what the Ape said. Cookies were had, popcorns munched and plans for some sort of exit-urban exploration walk were laid out. Lolly was told of the contemporary Sweden: Reinfeldt & co secretly putting pieces of glass in frozen chicken (and sausages, beer and pyttipanna) and then that alluring place called Spotify to which everyone seems to have found their way. She was puzzled, and in awe. Had too much changed? Did she perhaps long back to isolation?
Music: David Bowie Food: Pizza Topic: Trauma Activity: Card games Wronged: tiny
My skin is falling off in large chunks, my feet got left in the bathroom. They were in the way, so I put them in the shower. They were already off by then. I honestly don’t know why. And my hair fell off last week, but I glued it back on and put on a beret, my black beret. It looked okay. Someone asked if I was all right, what with my hair looking weird and all, but I just laughed and joked and smiled and there was nothing more to say about that. I haven’t had nails in a month and sometime along the way my stomach must’ve corroded and disintegrated because everytime I eat it stings like fire and I shit blood. So I just stopped eating, figured it would solve the problem. Now blood is coming out my throat instead, because I keep coughing, and I can’t seem to stop. And there’s all this mail coming in, hundreds of letters piling up in the hallway! But as I have no feet and don’t really feel like crawling on my lately skinless knees, all I can do is lay here and watch the mail multiply by each bloody cough. I believe it’s mostly bills, but I have no proof of that. What’s more, the glue I used for my hair seems to have attracted worms. From where, I can’t imagine. I can feel them move on my head and around my ears. But if these worms are anything at all like maggots, they won’t eat the live parts of me, only the dead; all the skin that has fallen off and is spread around me. And that torn spot where my feet were once attached. Yes, the worms are there, too. Maybe they were maggots all the time.
once again i've shirked my responsibilies. if it makes you feel better, i can tell you i feel horrible about it.
but this week isn't about me. i would like to officially welcome Lolly back into the fold. (i hope that's okay; me being the official spokesperson here.) i would love to hear what all my friends have been up to, but a comment from You would make me very happy.
As I woke up this morning to a new set of bruises I couldn't help wonder; How common an occurrence is bruising as a consequence of social interactions? Is it standard practice to always walk away physically bruised? Cause it sure appears to be standard in my circle, the one you are in.
See I've got nothing against it, perhaps I even revel in it, but that doesn't stop me from wondering if this is how other people interact. Or at least people our age, cause as I remember bruises and scrapes were very common around the same time as you ate dirt. At the age of 24 (kinda) however...I'm curious.
Seeing how I haven't signed up for any summer classes I recently started looking around for something to occupy my summer with. My entertainment project is space, and I have the best of intentions of watching through Star Trek Voyager, Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica. My writing project is writing a bible, or at least some commandments and a few prophecies. That leaves only education and information. Luckily Berkley stepped in and made it all better, and thanks to their Webcasts I will this summer be "taking" the following courses;
So what we did was we put tiny stretched out on a couch, after we had finished a cider & soup-dinner and a delicious dark and white chocolate cake covered in various roasted nuts. Having briefly discussed whether a canapé is a divan or finger food, we quickly identified tiny's very outspoken wish to “become normal” as the key symptom of her disease. With the help of Rorschach ink blots we encouraged her to see genitals where she at first glance had seen nothing but factories and Santas. When she had hugged a pillow for thirty minutes or so, while getting a jellybean for each of what we considered to be the only one correct genital-answer to the ink-blot pictures, we finished the session and watched half an episode of the unfathomable series named True Blood. I think, all in all, we did good, Ape and I.
According to Lisa, in France, all you have to do to work as a psychoanalyst is to have undergone psychoanalysis yourself. Yup. It's what I’d like to call a “Plan B”.
These are tiny's "two santas" that we successfully made her turn into a "vagina"
- Hej det är Lydia från Bonniers - Från vad? - Eh... va? - Från vad sa du? - Bonniers! - Bonniers? - Ja, Bonniers. - Mm. Bra. - Jag har ett riktigt toppenerbjudande här till dig! Du får två nummer av en av tre tidningar plus ett knivset utan kostnad som i handeln skulle kosta dig 399 kronor! Du betalar bara 69 kronor och du kan säga upp prenumerationen direkt efter att du fått de två första tidningarna. - M-hm. Vad är det för tidningar då? - Du kan välja mellan är PC för alla, Aktiv Träning eller National Geographics. - Okej… - Ja… Det är ett jättebra erbjudande! - Jag läser inte någon av de där tidningarna. - Nehe… (…) - Men jag vill verkligen ha knivar.
i'm still alive and currently eating delicious, crumble-tastic lemon cookies. earlier today i was in Our Capital listening to my mom's choir perform. it was really good. in the immediate future i have BIG plans: cleaning the corridor.
i am very much alive and well this week, but if i fail to post as May draws to a close it's most likely because i have died of starvation. this month is poor-man's-month, and the bills keep piling up! anywho, i won't have died un-spotified, and for that i'm grateful.
also, my dad bought me a new bike. if you're wondering why, the answer is "because i'm spoiled rotten." another thing to be grateful for. sigh. so many to thank, so few left to hate...
I woke up this morning feeling cold. It was inevitable really, but it was beautiful while it lasted. And it really was, beautiful. Not the public alcoholism usually referred to as Valborg, but the 12-hour picnic in the sun with its momentary destruction of conventions and blurring of social boundaries.
Word has yet to be heard from Lohan from Rohan, the dreamlike creature of Hollywood and many vices that holds my heart and controls my mind in her immediate absence and anticipated presence.
And the pity goes on! I spent the whole weekend studying, extremely unalcoholized. But am I non-toxic? No. Because I’m still on malaria medicine. No depression or nightmares yet, but apparently they might eventually cause massive hair loss. And despite said weekend, I might’ve failed to pass the exam I took today. A highly interesting letter from Singapore got into my mail but it wasn’t really addressed to me so I can’t open it. Also, I seem to always be out of candy.
One might think all this I would leave me frustrated. But I keep smiling, contented, knowing my world is a truly beautiful place. And some day soon Jesus may return. Amen.
PS. Lately, I have a spider residing in my room. I thought it died when one day it decided to take refuge in the outflow in my shower as I showered. Think about it! It was a truly bad idea! But apparently, it survived. Spiders are remarkable. Maybe I'll name it Cope. Because it did. Plus, it rhymes with hope.
This week's song: Rock Lobster This week's idol: Mary Woronov This week's idol runner-up: Skeletor This week's weather: Summery This week's croquet: Civilized
Next week's highlight: Valborg Next week's potential: Dolls Next week's croquet: Barbaric
First, I thought of simply renewing my old invitation to Lohan in some fancy and irresistible Mousse-way. Like, I was going to convince her that the reason she released her album “Speak” back in 2004 was because “Lindsay, you possess an honest, beautiful and natural urge to express yourself” and that that was so obvious if you, like me, spend some time listening to her lyrics and not JUST dance away to the awesome tunes. And then I’d tell her that her anorexia looked really, really good on her and not bad at all, like how it looked on Angelina. Ew! Those fat lips don’t go well at all together with starvation! And then I would probably have told Lohan how OK of her it was to have taken drugs and been all alcoholic, since, after all, people like Lohan - the witty and intelligent crew - always get out of those situations looking even MORE intelligent and witty. EVERYBODY knows they’re just doing drugs because they’re simply too deep and creative to have the time to process everything within the limits of a brain functioning in an everyday kind of pace! I would of course also compliment her acting in Dare to Love Me, a film that hasn’t even been made yet and would thus hint that I have THE greatest confidence in Lohan’s future performances. I wouldn’t mention anything about Samantha, not in the invitation anway. No, I would spend the last lines comparing Lohan to a mayfly. Or a sparrow. Or something else as poetic and rich with integrity.
But then suddenly I started having second thoughts about it all. Not because I in any way would be dishonest, but because it would put us both in an awkward position where I’m all beneath her and she’s all obliged to me from all my complimenting, which would leave us sitting staring at each other, not knowing what to say, when really, we have LOTS and LOTS to talk about. I would go something like “You look… radiant.” “So I’ve heard” goes Lohan and thinks of that time on Letterman. And then naturally she starts comparing me to Letterman. That would be totally out of place. I don’t want that.
No. I’m just going to bide my time and let Lohan take the first step instead.
Who needs to pay for entertainment when there are so much good free stuff out there?! And I'd much rather support these shows than play the game of greedy bastards with very little regard to creativity or an intelligent audience.
Therefore I decided to devote a post to some of my favourite free shows out there. Some of them are not currently updating, but they are still bloody brilliant.
It’s been concluded that The B-52’s Rock Lobster is one of the best dance songs ever. It’s obvious that croquet must be a game best played in a manner of war, if ever. It’s clear that Billy Zane as The Phantom is the gayest superhero ever.
And finally, children, trained to move like insects. Are they terrorists?
Due to intake of malaria prophylaxis I cannot be held responsible for anything from this point and three weeks on. For this little adventure, that might cause depression and nightmares, I paid 230 SEK.
That said, I think I will be holding a testing round of my fantastic croquet tournament tonight. I might just’ve dreamt it. I’m on drugs, dammit! Today I thought I had dreamt reading that Ape has male blood. Turns out it was true. Anyway, I will show up in the park and see whoever else is in the same dream as I am. I’m hoping for Tilda Swinton. She would be perfect.
Apart from this croquet project, my womb project and Ulf Lundell (who officially no longer is a project) I have a new one. I shall aim for ambidexterity. A successful outcome will place me in the same clique as respected people like Kurt Cobain, James Woods and Topher Grace. You see, today I read about handedness. Supposedly, lefties have a slightly higher tendency to develop ambidexterity. Also, we are more likely to be mentally retarded.* Personally, I believe what you want to do with your handedness is a matter of choice. I choose ambidexterity.
And if I accidentally start to stammer because of the massive strain I will put on my psyche, I will warmly welcome it as the eagerly awaited defining trait of my personality it will represent.
Now I will go check on the temperature of my beer.
*Most left-handers, however, have no developmental problems (Berk 2009).
Ever since we finished the last millenna and started counting in 2000’s I’ve been feeling lost. Years no longer have any impact on me. From the time I was figure-literate the years were made up of mostly nines, but also other, real numbers, like ones and sevens and sixes. And then suddenly, after having reached the logical setup of one and three nines, I had to abandon this beautiful series and start counting my years with the help of twos and an awful lot of zeros. The magic was broken, everyhting was gone awry. Almost like Chistmas, when it’s Tuesday or Monday but everybody acts like it’s Sunday, because it sort of is. But it really isn’t. But when it’s Christmas you know it only lasts for three days. This year-counting business, we won’t get rid off as easily.
I don’t know if it’s mostly a matter of learning something in a critical period (childhood) and then having difficulties indocrinating a new way of thinking later in life. In my case, realizing that 1997 and 2003 are both years, even though they look different.
It might also have to do with the point of time of the millenna. I was fifteen. Things changed. I could now choose to devote myself to prostitution without my older customers having to be charged for having under-aged sex. I chose not to. Also, I was in puberty, which might have had something to do with it. A new time dawned and there was no going back. My body changed, and so did the look of the years.
Or maybe I’m just getting old. Years fly by like soda-streamed water in a river and it’s not important what their name is. A year these days isn’t like a year when I was seven. A year back then was something huge, almost solemn. Too abstract to fully understand, too real to escape. A year now is something fickle and fleeting, like a BUTTERFLY. Mm, butter.
If you got this far, you are rewarded with a song:
Sometimes you come across something that is just so right it almost gives you chills. I've always been a fan of Baba O'Riley, but it wasn't until I watched this performance it fully clicked.
Everything about this clip is so Oddball one has to wonder if The Who weren't possessed by the odd spirit (which was also responsible for each and one of ours' conceptions) during the performance, cause if we had talent it would probably have looked something like this.
well, i'm alive and kicking, and i've learned two new things this week...
1. every body part on the left side of my body is larger than corresponding body part on my right side. my hand, my boob, my thigh, my foot. i know it's common and i've always had my suspicions, but now that it's confirmed i just feel like i've been wronged. wronged! also, the skoskav resulting from having same-sized shoes for different-sized feet may have something to do with my anger.
2. blenders, like people, have good days and bad days.
anyone else learn something new?
I kinda wish my mouse would work like this all the time.
Someone pointed out that listening to a baby gurgling couldn’t possibly be considered divine. And that was the end of that career.
Howdy! I’m experiencing something of a spring break from the supposedly wondrous world of developmental psychology (babies!) and have thus taken refuge in the countryside. The soothing spring air will cleanse my mind and the crystal clear sunshine will burn away what stains I have gathered in sin. The euphoria of this last weekend is taking its backlashing toll in the form of melancholy. Oh, woe! There is nothing to do but wait and possibly gluttonize. Everything has a shade of black to it and everyone is looking at me with pity. And I’m looking back in fear.
All the goldfish in the garden pond are dead. It appears they drowned and ended up deep-frozen within a solid layer of ice. And now they’re millimeters away from reaching air and the possibility to rot. That’s the thing about spring. It’s such a dramatic process, this restarting thing we’re doing. Old presumptions and dirty secrets suddenly have nowhere to hide and are forced to stand, bent down, in an unforgiving, dazzling sunshine. It’s not like we have a damn choice. If we want to restart and get renewed life, we have to encounter the stale and the old and the stinking. Like making that unpleasant phonecall so that you can move on. Or cleaning your room in order to get your candy. That’s spring for you. Together, of course, with brand new clothes in bright fucking colors. No wonder people get anguished and depressed.
Me, I’m not depressed at all. I just need some well-deserved cocooning. Weeklong. Planning on pondering upon whether I’m more of a sociopath or a socioholic. Might settle for sociorexic. And daddy promised to remove the fish. Only a couple of millimeters now…
I think it was meeting an old friend of mine that really spurred this hugging thing. An old friend whom you've been really close to and haven't seen in a very long time. A meeting such as that does deserve a hug. However awkward.
So I went out into the world and decided to work some cognitive therapy on myself, with practical assignments (aka hugs). And I've become better at it. Still it's awkward. It's no longer about the physical contact, it's just...it's an awkward form of greeting.
Yeah, that's it. It's the greeting aspect of it that bothers me more than anything. Random hugs bear an element of fun and niceness (and only a little fear), but when expectations are involved. Big no-no.
The hug should not be used as a greeting. Do we all agree? (the following post was brought to you by M's intoxicated hugginess)
Apart from dreaming of croquet, my other only comfort is the x-files. I have reached the second half of season six and one of the best characters so far is Krycek, the butt-boy. He’s drawn to powerful men and they in turn take pity on him (in turns), not because he’s any real asset (yeah, apart from his ass), but for his beauty. Also, he is fickle, and this is what the men with the power and the secrets get off on. Cigarette-smoking man with friends. And enemies. Krycek has a special connection to Mulder, to whom he is drawn not only because of Mulder’s intellect and authority, but of his humanity, something Krycek is deprived of and fascinated by. Everybody treats him like shit, Mulder included, and that’s what Krycek gets off on. He doesn’t want to be loved, he wants to be hurt. He wants to be dirt. And Mulder is a dimwit for not taking advantage of it more. And that's the paradox of the Fox - too humane to really use people like he should, and too "out there" to really see people for what they are.
Cannibalism is a thing it hurts talking about, as the risk of becoming a cannibal only can increase when doing so. It’s a theory I have, and it might even be a common theory. It all stems from that Russian guy I saw in a documentary, years ago. I think what happened to him was that people were discussing cannibalism in his very grim childhood, because of a severe famine that was… going on. What else can you discuss? Let enough time pass and the memory of the flavor of meatballs is tragically fading and all you can think of is what the starving person next to you would taste like. Doesn’t mean you take a bite. However, later in his life he became a cannibal. So his cannibalism was due to talking. Plus an apparently disturbed attitude towards food (in his case famine, but this could be sloshing or anorexia or some other oddity) or one’s ego or whatever. And I doubt that being an unusually impressionable person would help. I think you all know where I’m getting at.
I hate being the one saying this but for now, if the urge emerges to discuss something clearly inappropriate - as it most often does - beastiality is to prefer to cannibalism. As the general introverts I see ourselves as I do fear eventual endocannibalism. Such is my foresight, however flawed. Nor Jesus was flawless. Or a cannibal! I’ll do more research and come back to you. Now I’m going to go find out the latest on the topic of gender and biology in neural research. It’s going to be swell.
Got stabbed in the back by psychology, again. Nobody should care how and why anymore. Not even I do. It’s become something of a constant. Mere exposure effect and I’m hooked on failure. Yada yada. I said I don’t care, which is part true, but I’m not entirely over it. Not over the fact that psychology wasn’t my thing. Or that I’m not psychology’s thing. I am about as shocked as my dear big brother, who can’t see why a nutcase like his sister fails on nutcase-science. Turns out it takes more, but I'm not the mustarded hotdog that accepts the simplest of truths.
Instead of worrying too much about the necessity of trying to be more than a nutcase, I daydream. I dream of my very preppy croquet tournament I will hold in the Ekonomikum park. I’m drinking copious amounts of red wine and I’m wearing a slipover and a golf cap. And a pair of those oh so trendy chinos. I walk around with a superior and amused-looking face, with my croquet club thrown casually over my shoulder. You're all there with me. I don’t win the game but I am perfectly happy. Of that I dream. Intensely.
......................................... My songs today:
I was trying to find out at what age you're in high school with the help of Wikipedia. I'm not sorry. Here's what I additionally learned:
High school is the name used in some parts of the world (in particular Scotland, North America and Australia) to describe an institution which provides all or part of secondary education. The term originated in Scotland and spread to the New World countries as the high prestige that the Scottish educational system had at the time led several countries to employ Scottish educators to develop their state education systems.[citation needed] The precise stage of schooling provided by a high school differs from country to country, and may vary within the same jurisdiction. In all of New Zealand and parts of Australia and Canada, high school is synonymous with secondary school, and encompasses the entire secondary stage of education. High school can also be the point in life for many students where they mature and develop a deeper sense of understanding about themselves and the people around them. Alternatively, some students will undergo this transitional stage later on in life when they enter college or university, although this is usually a continued progression that originates in high school. People also like to 'make love' in schools.
It made me laugh. Hopefully, it'll do the same for you.
I am here to spread awareness. I also declare today, the 21st of March to be International Sexual Sneezing Awareness Day (liable to change into something snappier).
Thanks to the two doctors/researchers Mahmood Bhutta and Harold Maxwell it is no longer simply a phenomena, but it's a recorded phenomena. In their report "Sneezing induced by sexual ideation or orgasm: an under-reported phenomenon" they have documented at least 17 cases of where sneezing is linked to sexual thoughts and desires. It is actually a brain switch-up where your synapses misfire and cause a sneeze as a consequence of either sexual release or ideation (ie thoughts). There is also an inherited element to this phenomena.
So don't be embarrassed, you are not alone. There are lots (or at least 18) of us out there. It might be mixed up synapses, but they're our mixed up synapses and we should be damn proud of our sneezing conditions.
In one corner stands Lolita, also known as the Father, naturally leading our thoughts to the values of The Old Testament. Lolita has served many years in the Swedish army and is currently serving in Afghanistan. Although she would never seek out fights unless she is well paid for it, she can turn tremendously aggressive when provoked and will not lay down arms until victory is hers. Lolita has no sympathy for the weak and believes every man and woman has to fight alone for their right to exist. She has a natural tendency to grow big muscles and she once walked almost all the way to Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
Lolita is wearing a black corset, a black skirt and a high heels. She’s holding a medieval longsword in her hand.
In the opposite corner stands M the Predator, the bullocky she-beast who can turn anyone into a whimpering fool. As a child, she cut off her hair in order to have an advantage over the other girls. In battle, she would grab hold of their long hair and they could do nothing but scream in agony and curse M’s tomboy hairdo. She fought her way into full blown womanhood and is currently a fierce spokesman for society's underdogs and the importance of a powerful, old school union. She has a fascination for the Dog Whisperer and once applied his more violent techniques on an unknowing Mousse, who ended up feeling utterly raped. Her strongest weapon is her libido, and she once dated MacGyver.
M the Predator is wearing a short, skintight, black leather dress and a top hat. She’s holding a leather whip in her hand.
So let the battle begin.
..................................... Fantastic L and I were bored yesterday and decided to put our fiercest friends up against each other in a deadly battle. The one who survives gets to meet FL’s Turkish, lesbian carnivore of a friend who smoked ten joints a day for a year while addicted to porn. It should be entertaining. Lolita, sweetheart, I'm not usually asking for much, so can you please just win this one for me?
Like a bolt of lightning to my chest, it just occured to me I have a womb.
My very own personal womb. Within this physical thing of mine, I can - with a little help and luck - create another human being.
It’s not the potential baby that is the most thrilling right now. Just knowingthat I have the technology is overwhelming. And I’m not talking about THE technology, as in “wow, I can probably create life”. Because, see, that is old news. I knew this before. We were taught this in school. Nothing new. Don’t get me wrong, baby production is probably way exciting, but I’m not really planning on finding out. What I would like to find out, is the character of my womb. I have a thing in me, which gets little or no attention, but holds certain unmistakable qualities. Like a heart, only I don't need it to beat. Or a soul that I never consult. I suppose the best way to get to know one's womb is to actually baby-produce, but in my case, I’m just going to fantasize, because that’s how I roll. My womb fantasies are naturally best kept to myself, as it involves some heavy navel-gazing. I can tell you that I am planning on naming her Gob, as he is my favorite character in Arrested Development, but that is all you need to know.
Having a womb, recognizing its grandeur, and then not use it. That is power. It’s like having 24 million dollars, telling the world about it and then live off of porridge for the rest of your life. Just because you feel like it. It bugs people.
And for now, dear friends, that makes me feel bigger.
................................... Let me just add that I'm partly doing this because my previous quest to explore and appreciate Ulf Lundell turned out a disaster. The man is not a "genius". So I'm into wombs now.
Me and Ape have been in class together many times, but never voluntarily so. Drawn together in high school, we were struggling just to survive to lunch break or the end of the day. There were moments of extreme joy, no doubt. But the feeling you get when you choose to study something out of pure interest and inclination and you find yourself doing just that, and now together with a friend, is frickin' awesome.
It doesn’t matter that the current lecturer is best described as a person who seems to be making a bad impersonation of someone with an absolute lack of charisma and authority but really, and sadly, is only that. We had two goals as we entered the classroom. The first was to convince the class that reading Woolf’s Orlando was a good idea. The person without charisma proved helpful in this quest and we soon won great success. Our next goal was to get Wednesdays for the Woolf-group. We got Tuesdays. Why? Because the Aggressive-Sixties’-Feminism seminar group wanted Tuesdays and we didn’t feel like picking a fight with this lot and thus risk reviving certain tedious and old-fashioned preconceptions. We’re unbiased and we’ll stay unbiased. Tuesdays.
Actually, we sort of had a third goal going on as well. We thought it would be appropriate, almost expected, to dress up like “feminist classics”, as it WAS the name of the class. Turns out it wasn’t. Expected. But we still felt strangely appropriate in our light versions of butch/femme outfits.
Lecturer: So, any more suggestions…? Yes? Cuba boy: I want to read something a little more modern. Maybe social constructivist… Ape: Judith Butler. *Mousse looks at Ape with terror* (...) Lecturer: Judith Butler is a good idea. Mousse (silently): No, it isn’t! *hits Ape*
I've always known this, but it feels as if this is the first time I've really understood what that means. The world quite literally bends to your will.
I've been working again and that always leads to excessive thinking and after a brief conversation with my younger sister it hit me. Right between the eyes. You create your own world.
The scary notion with this though, is that nobody will ever be able to experience your world. And if that's true, which I really think it is, how will we ever be able to live together in anything even close to harmony?
Att JAG ska bli anklagad för att vara ”politiskt inkorrekt” för att jag kallar en paraplyaralia för benjaminfikus! Jag vet inte om det har gått überinflation i begreppet PK eller om människor (inklusive jag själv, kanske) nu slutgiltigt tappat allt vad naturlig relation heter när det kommer till den till flora och fauna.
I sådant fall gör det inte så mycket. Inte idag.
På väg hem från en sedvanlig impulsshopping på systemet finner jag mig helt plötsligt i mitten av en halvt euforisk folkmassa. De står utanför den udda ingången till Forumgallerian, den tvärs emot Jack & Jones. Förklaringen till deras spontana gemenskap finner sin upprinnelse i vad som sitter i trädet precis utanför gallerian. Det kanske är en asp. Hursomhelst, jag följer deras pekande fingrar och kameror och får syn på en fjäderklädd figur med svarta ögon. Jag vet ju inte exakt vad det är jag ser, men det är någon sorts storvuxen, uggleliknande fågel. I vad jag antar vara vinterskrud har den slagit sig ner där ovanför gågatan. Och dess uppenbarelse är uppenbarligen beundransvärd.
Den är så fin att jag också börjar le. Folkmassan.
Some like whiskers on kittens and mittens, some of my favourite things on the other hand, is to find old library receipts in books you've checked out. It's such a simple pleasure, but for that moment when you are reading it you get to peek at the life of a stranger. A stranger that through the fictional world you have shared almost feels like...a friend. You are connected through such a simple thing as shared influences. It's a rather amazing feeling.
And now I feel the need to check out more books from that person's list to make our connection even stronger. Plus from now on I think I will start leaving things in all books I return. For I am not only a voyeur, I'm an exhibitionist as well.
In case you don't know what to read, here are a few suggestions from the Unknown Sharer. Whoever the person is, seems to have very good taste.
- Do I look fat in this? - God no, that’s just… how the dress looks. And it looks amazing! - Do you really mean that? - Yeah, you’re looking good! *thumbs up*
What the fuck can I say. I hate having to convince unknown women outside fitting rooms that they look good. I have no problems zipping them up, however tricky the little zipper happens to be. I would never run down the helpful muscles. But when she comes rushing out of her cabin for the second time, now asking me how she looks, and I find myself convincing her that “you don’t look fat at all” I am slightly disgusted with myself. And as I later, for the grand finale, drop the overly encouraging line “Buy, buy, buy!” and get a smile from a nearby shop assistant, I know I deserve poison in my food.
Don't think I didn't know I was a capitalistic and girly product. It's just that I thought that maybe I had reached the point where I know when not to flaunt it.
My only capitalistic and girly comfort now is that she did look great in her dress and that she got it for a damn good price.